Our mentors are mentoring, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 10, 2021, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2020 Pitch Wars Mentor and Mentee Teams.

First up, we have . . .

Kaylynn Nelson – Mentee

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Sarvenaz Tash – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Sarvenaz, why did you choose Kaylynn?

I set a challenge in my wishlist for a manuscript that would make me laugh and, boy, did Kaylynn deliver. Not only is her voice innately hilarious, but I absolutely love her quirky, genre mash-up of a book: a paranormal murder mystery rom-com centering around an emo gargoyle and the surly monster hunter who falls for him? Yes, please! I had a lot of amazing subs and it was a tough choice to pick just one, but Kaylynn’s book was ultimately the one that I couldn’t stop thinking about (and giggling over).

An emo gargoyle? We’re sold! Kaylynn, why did you choose to submit to Sarvenaz?

I chose to submit to Sarv because her wishlist made me laugh. She’s an extremely witty, talented author who promised to “spitshine” her mentee’s manuscript, which is exactly the kind of mentor I needed. It was clear in her bio that she wanted to make a writer’s dream come true, and her love for both writing and comedy was apparent. Also, she posted a picture of herself as a Clue card, so it was a no-brainer.

Ha! A Clue card – love it! Sarvenaz, summarize Kaylynn’s book in 3 words.

Emo gargoyle rom-com.

Again, emo gargoyle! And Kaylynn, summarize your book in 3 words.

Monsters. Murders. Mops.

Very curious about what mops have to do with monsters and murder! Sarvenaz, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I had a lot of great internship experiences in college, including at Focus Features and the BBC in London. But one of my all-time favorites was my internship at Sesame Workshop where one of my jobs was to clean up Big Bird’s many, many shedding feathers at an event. It was an honor to pick up yellow feathers in Caroll Spinney’s wake! (It was especially meaningful to me because I learned English from watching SESAME STREET as a fresh-off-the-boat kid.)

Okay, now that’s a job I’ve never heard before – I hope you saved the feathers! So, Kaylynn, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I’m hoping to improve my manuscript and writing process in general. I’ve already learned techniques from Sarv about how to improve my book’s timing and overall structure, so I’m looking forward to continuing learning from her as the weeks go on! I’m also hoping to expand my writing community and gain more critique partners and friends. So far, all the mentees I’ve met have been extremely supportive and kind. I’m sure going through these extensive edits together will bring us all closer.

Kaylynn, tell us about yourself. What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I’m a Jersey girl who wants to stamp out the negative stereotypes associated with her state. (We’re more like the upper ribs than the armpit of America. Trust me, I’m not a doctor.)

My manuscript is unique because it combines paranormal with a romcom. I loved Twilight when I was in high school, but I couldn’t relate to Bella. At all. So, I decided to write the anti-Bella Swan. This book is for girls who are screw-ups and own it, but deep down, want to be better.

An anti-Bella Swan sounds intriguing! Thank you for the interview Kaylynn and Sarvenaz, we enjoyed getting to know you. 


Check out Sarvenaz Tash’s latest release, GHOSTING.

Leave it to the experts—to break all the rules.

Online Dating Ghostwriting Rules to Live by

Dumped by his fiancée, not only is Miles couch-surfing across New York City, but downsizing has forced him to set up shop at a café. Also, he no longer believes in love. Not a good look in his line of work…

Do not present a “perfect” image. No one will trust it. Nor should they.

Zoey’s eccentric L.A. boss sent her packing to New York to “grow.” But beneath her chill Cali demeanor, Zoey’s terrified to venture beyond the café across the street…

Think of your quirks—such as cosplaying B-movies from the 1980s—as a “Future Honesty.” Save these as a reward only for those who prove worthy.

The only thing Miles and Zoey share is their daily battle for Café Crudité’s last day-old biscotti. They don’t know they’re both ghostwriting “authentic” client profiles for rival online dating services. Nope, they have absolutely nothing in common…

Until they meet anonymously online, texting on the clock…

Never remind the client you’re their Cyrano. Once you’ve attracted a good match, let the client take over ASAP.

Soon, with their clients headed for dating disaster, both Miles and Zoey’s jobs are at stake. And once they find out their lines have crossed, will their love connection be the real thing—or vanish into the ether?

Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 10-15, 2021. Make sure to stop by then and check out all our mentees’ entries when it opens.


Categories: InterviewsPitch Wars