Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Photo of a white flower
Stacie Turner
Erica Waters
Erica Waters
Website | Twitter

Check out Erica’s 2020 release GHOST WOOD SONG on Goodreads!

Erica, why did you choose Stacie?

I only needed to read a few paragraphs before I knew I would love BLOOD AND ROSES. Stacie’s writing is sharp, her characters are vivid, and her world-building is immersive. I inhaled her manuscript on my first read, not even stopping to make revision notes. Even better, BLOOD AND ROSES stuck with me long after I had finished—I kept daydreaming about Stacie’s vampire turned fairy queen, Camilla, and the amazing supporting characters who populate her imaginative, exquisitely painted world.

Stacie, why did you choose to submit to Erica?

Erica talked in her wish list about her love of gothic settings, and though she was specifically talking about southern gothic, which my book is very much not, I had hopes she was interested in all sorts of atmospheric books. And I stalked her twitter and she was funny and we had migraines and moss in common. Every mentoring contest I’ve entered I’ve walked away with at least one person added to my ‘circle of writer friends’ and, as the stress of the waiting period accelerated and I got to the nearly universal place of ‘this will be another no’, I thought, ‘Well, I’ve met Erica. She’s my new writer friend from this round.’

Erica, summarize Stacie’s book in 3 words.

Dark, gorgeous, compelling

Stacie, summarize your book in 3 words.

Vampire Fairy Queen

Erica, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I’m a little obsessed with the small, often overlooked members of planet Earth, especially moss, bugs, fungus, and snails.

Stacie, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

My main goal when I entered was to get one person to request my manuscript! So, check! Now that I’ve managed that, I’m thrilled by the support network that comes with being a PW mentee. There’s nothing quite like being able to cheer and commiserate with other people who are in the same place in their publishing journey.

Stacie, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

BLOOD AND ROSES is a YA fantasy set in a fictionalized version of the part of Downeast Maine where I grew up. Woven into the fairies and vampires and monsters is a story of found family and discovering that your real strength comes from accepting who you are. But what I think makes it unique is that there is no redemption arc. Our characters start in the Unseelie Court of fairy, where darkness and mischief reign, and they stay there. You’ll love Camilla, or at least I hope you will, but she wouldn’t hesitate to entice you into a fairy ring and spirit you away to a world of trickery.

Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019. If you’re an agent and would like to participate, you must register here: https://pitchwars.org/info-for-agents/.

We hope you’ll join us to support our teams on the Twitter hashtag #PitchWars.

Categories: Interviews