Cover Art Credits: Photographer, Adrian Goetz Model, Brittany Schmeltzer Design/Layout, Matt Lavoie


Title: A Girl Called Monster

Author: Paige Lavoie

Release Date: December 15th

ISBN: 978-1976118562

Genre: Urban Fantasy YA



About the Book…

Where she came from there were no windows. The sounds of buzzing equipment and the doctor’s shouting rang through her ears daily. It was too uncomfortable to call home and too familiar not to be. Like it or not, she was an experiment.

Filled with childlike wonder and innocence, she took pleasure in stories, imagining what it would be like to live in those pages. A longing growing deep inside her.

She knew she’d never have that life… Not in the lab. Not with them studying her every move. So she decided to do something terrifying.

She escaped.


About the Author…

Paige Lavoie

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Paige Lavoie is a Michigan born author with a passion for bring her characters to life with the power of storytelling (including the undead ones). Paige has been making web-comics since 2007 and released her debut young adult novel “Confidence: The Diary of An Invisible Girl” in 2015. She’s inspired by telling stories about friendship, finding yourself, and falling in love and spends her days hiding underneath a parasol in sunny Orlando Florida with her husband and their fluffy dog, Oliver.

Categories: Books

1 Comment

Reading Links 12/19/17 – Where Genres Collide · December 19, 2017 at 7:08 am

[…] Where she came from there were no windows. […]

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