Manuscript Status: 2 weeks delivery

Mentor Name: Lyndsay Ely

Mentee Name: Anna Mercier


Category: Young Adult

Genre: Science Fiction

Word Count: 87,000 words


FIREFLY meets Mindee Arnett’s AVALON. Space pirate Solitude Pierce only wants to find her missing sister. But when a corrupt senator blackmails her misfit crew into recovering a secret weapon, she’s forced to make an agonizing choice—rebel alongside her crewmates or forever lose her sister. That is, if the senator’s deadly contingency plan doesn’t kill Sol first.


Chapter One


Solitude Pierce knew pain in a thousand different melodies. The dull ache of bruises thrummed deep in the muscles. Splintered bones stabbed a fast and hot percussion. Other agonies, like the one wrenching her from unconsciousness, wove elegant cadences through every limb.

She blinked, sluggish and heavy, the tune ricocheting through her like Klim’s obnoxious garbage music.

Pain prickled up Sol’s fingers and across her palm. It coursed like frayed threads into her forearm and up to her shoulder. Maybe Captain Radomir was right—she couldn’t come out of every scrap unscathed. He’d lecture her with a dozen proverbs about arrogance biting you in the ass as soon as she got out of here.

But first she had to figure out where ‘here’ was. When she opened her eyes, the ceiling blurred in a blast of white light. Wincing, she tried again. This time her vision focused on the mirror-like ceiling. Her sturdy body lay beneath a white hospital sheet, her short, dark hair splayed on the pillow like a vermin nest. She was a stain on the flawless medical bed—a smudge of rough edges and taut muscles.

Klim had warned her about making a deal this deep in the Coalition’s territory.

Memories floated back, hazy as smoke. The thick beat of the music melted into bright lights. She remembered arguing with that crook, Jabari, about the information she’d spent years looking for.

Then the club had exploded.

Categories: PW Entries


Meg LaTorre-Snyder · November 3, 2017 at 11:46 am

What an awesome pitch! I love the sound of your story. Could you please send the query, synopsis, and full manuscript using the form below? I can’t wait to check it out!

Joanna MacKenzie · November 3, 2017 at 2:46 pm

I’m totally intrigued by this and can’t wait to read more. Please send an email to with PITCH WARS UPLOAD in the subject line. We will reply with our upload instructions. Thank you!

Steven Salpeter · November 5, 2017 at 11:56 am

Hello, Ellie,

This is a great pitch. Would you please submit your full manuscript to me via this form?

All my best,

Steven Salpeter | Curtis Brown, Ltd. | Ten Astor Place | New York, NY 10003

Steven Salpeter · November 5, 2017 at 11:57 am

Hello, Anna,

This is a great pitch. Would you please submit your full manuscript to me via this form?

All my best,

Steven Salpeter | Curtis Brown, Ltd. | Ten Astor Place | New York, NY 10003

Becky LeJeune · November 8, 2017 at 9:45 am

Hi, Anna! I would love to see the full. Please send as an attachment (word doc preferred) to Include your query letter and be sure to put “Pitch Wars” in the subject line.


Becky LeJeune
Bond Literary Agency

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