Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentor Name: Cat Scully

Mentee Name: Jade Hemming


Category: Young Adult

Genre: Fantasy (LGBT)

Word Count: 100,000 words


When exiled princess Shanna kidnaps prince Anzel to use his magic against a sentient plague, she’s forced to team up with his guard Drew to fight the tyrant controlling it. But magic has a dark cost, and if they can’t work together to help Anzel’s ability to see the future, they’ll not only lose their chance for redemption, they will start a war.


The best part about being the Prince’s steward was quality booze and top notch food. Drew stuffed himself stupid with the finest meats in Dria as he sat at the royal table. A few court girls shot him giggly looks as they passed, no doubt to woo the common boy with keys to the palace.

The only down side of being steward to the Prince was that the Prince often decided to be a miserable bastard.

He’d tried to get a rise out of Anzel all evening. Anzel merely sat with a faraway look in his hazel-green eyes. The grand hall looked even grander: sapphire-blue drapes cascaded near the makeshift stage, golden candelabras in the form of constellations illuminated feasts on every table. Usually Anzel admired a thing or two. Tonight he kept quiet. Drew tried prodding him, goading him, even talking about political unrest (not his strongest topic).

Anzel offered a weak smile while he constantly tugged on his ridiculously oversized cloak sleeve.

Drew racked his brain. Anzel liked music. He also liked dancing, but that came later in proceedings which meant Drew had to sit with a mope.

“I bet,” Drew leaned back in his padded chair so only Anzel could hear him—King Cenric and the Queen sat on their throne-like dining chairs, deep in conversation with Nortland dignitaries, “that I can stuff five pickled eggs into my mouth without choking.”

Categories: PW Entries


Melissa Nasson · November 6, 2017 at 3:59 pm

I’d like to read more of this! Please send the first 50 pages as a Word doc or PDF attachment to Please also include your query letter in the body of the email, and Pitch Wars in the subject line.

I look forward to reading!


Melissa Nasson
Rubin Pfeffer Content

Kelly Peterson · November 7, 2017 at 9:25 am

Hi Jade!

I’m sorry I’m so late to the game, but I saw your novel aesthetic board this morning and LOVED it! I’d really like to take a look at your pages. Can you send your query, synopsis, and full manuscript? If you go to it should bring you to a form you can fill out, and should allow you to attach your manuscript at the bottom. 🙂

Let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to reading!

Warm Regards,

Kelly Peterson
Jr. Literary Agent
Corvisiero Literary Agency

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