Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

Moving Past the Slush Pile with Editorial Assistant Judi Lauren

How do you stand out in a slush pile of hundreds of queries? Learn new ways to shape your query and first pages into an opening that’ll make agents and editors take notice. We’ll discuss common mistakes in queries and first chapters, as well as goals, motivations, and conflicts, that can further be used in edits on the rest of your manuscript.

The Details…

When: Friday, November 3

Time: 8:00 pm ET 

Cost: $20

Please note: Registration is limited to the first 50 participants.

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(You don’t need a Paypal account to donate. Just go to the bottom and you can use a credit card.)

About Judi Lauren…

Judi is a copy editor and editorial assistant to Lydia Sharp at Entangled Publishing. She also works as a freelance editor and proofreader, and specializes in YA, MG, and Adult.
Oxford comma for the win.

About Pitch Wars Webinars . . .

The Pitch Wars webinar series was developed to help writers at every stage of their careers. Mentors and industry experts will host webinars focused on pitching, publishing, developing craft, and more.

Pitch Wars is a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions to shine it up for agents. The mentors work with their mentees for two months before an agent round. Learn more.
