Pitch Wars Webinars presents . . .

Taking Your Book Ideas to the Next Level with Agents Danielle Burby and Joanna Mackenzie of Nelson Literary

Danielle and Joanna will share their expertise as agents to give you the tools for taking your book idea to the next level. If you often get feedback that your novel is quiet or your story feels familiar, this is the webinar for you. We will focus on tips and techniques for creating unique, high concept ideas that agents and editors can’t say no to. You will learn what a hook is and how to analyze the market to figure out where you fit in and how best to position yourself. We will also discuss useful tools for approaching revisions and a checklist to make sure your plot has everything it needs. By the end of our talk, you will be ready to set trends rather than follow them.

The Details…

When: Saturday, October 21

Time: 10 am ET 

This webinar will be 90 minutes.

Cost: $35

Instructions: Register using the form below and upload your receipt.

Please note: There is a 50 person limit for the webinar.

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(You don’t need a Paypal account to donate. Just go to the bottom and you can use a credit card.)

About the agents…

Agents Danielle Burby and Joanna Mackenzie of Nelson Literary

Danielle Burby

Twitter | Publishers Marketplace

Based in NYC, Danielle became an agent at Nelson Literary Agency (NLA) in January 2017. Previously, she was an agent at a NYC-based firm where she managed foreign rights in addition to building her client roster. Danielle represents all genres of YA and MG along with select passion projects on the adult side in women’s fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and mystery. She particularly enjoys complex female characters, quirky adventures, narratives that ask readers to think deeply, girls with swords, and seaside novels. For more information about her wishlist, check out NLA’s Submission Guidelines page. You can find details about her recent sales on Publishers Marketplace.

Joanna MacKenzie

Twitter | Publishers Marketplace | MSWL

Joanna joined Nelson Literary Agency in 2017 and is currently building a list of adult and YA titles.  She enjoys working with authors who embrace the full publishing process (read: love revising) and is committed to the stories her clients want to tell both with the words they put on paper, as well as with the careers the build.  Joanna is looking for the epic read that, at it’s center, beats with a universal heart.  In particular, she’s drawn to smart, character-driven mysteries and thrillers – both, ideally, with a little edge.  Joanna have a weird obsession with, what she calls, “child in jeopardy lit” and can’t get enough kick-ass mom heroines. On the YA side, she’s interested in coming of age stories that possess a confident voice and characters she can’t stop thinking about. Originally from Poland, and by way of Canada, she’s all about narratives that deal with the themes of identity and the immigrant experience as well as those that delve into all aspects of the relationships that make us who we are – parents, siblings, best friends, and first love.

About Pitch Wars Webinars . . .

The Pitch Wars webinar series was developed to help writers at every stage of their careers. Mentors and industry experts will host webinars focused on pitching, publishing, developing craft, and more.

Pitch Wars is a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions to shine it up for agents. The mentors work with their mentees for two months before an agent round. Learn more.

Categories: Webinars