I’m thrilled to host the talented Georgia McBride today for her PRAEFATIO blog tour. Check out the beautiful cover! This book promises to be a scary thrill ride.  

by Georgia McBride 
Publication Date: May 21st, 2013 
ISBN-13: 978-0-9882513-7-3

ISBN eBook: 978-0-9882513-8-0


Seventeen-year-old Grace Ann Miller is no ordinary runaway. After missing for weeks, Grace is found on the estate of international rock star Gavin Vault, half-dressed and yelling for help. Over the course of twenty-four hours Grace holds an entire police force captive with incredulous tales of angels, demons, and war; intent on saving Gavin from lockup, and her family from worry over her safety. But instead, authorities believe that Grace is ill, and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, the victim of assault and a severely fractured mind. Undeterred, Grace reveals the secret existence of dark angels on earth, an ancient prophecy and a wretched curse steeped in Biblical myth. Grace’s claims set into motion an ages-old war, resulting in blood, death and the loss of everything that matters. But are these the delusions of an immensely sick girl, or could Grace’s story actually be true? Praefatio is Grace’s account of weeks on the run, falling in love and losing everything but her faith. Who do you believe?


Georgia loves a good story. Whether it’s writing her own, or publishing someone else’s, story is at the heart of everything Georgia does. Founder of Month9Books, YALITCHAT.ORG and the weekly #yalitchat on Twitter, Georgia spends most of her days writing, editing, or talking about books. That is, of course, when she is not blasting really loud music or reading. Born and raised in NYC, she now lives in North Carolina with four dogs, a frog, a parrot, 2 kids, parents and a husband. PRAEFATIO is her first novel.

Book Links: Goodreads – Barnes And Noble

Author Links: Website – Facebook Page – Twitter – Pinterest

Month9Books: Website – Blogger Central – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Goodreads 


May 20 – Falling for YA (Guest Post)

May 21 – Dana’s YA Bookpile (Review)
May 22 – Mommabears Book Blog (Review)
May 23 – YA Book Central (Interview)

May 24 – Beauty and the Bookshelf (Review)
May 25 – Little Lovely Books (Review)
May 26 – Brenda Drake Writes (Interview or Guest Post)

May 27 – Chapter by Chapter (Guest Post)
May 28 – Cuzinlogic (Review)
May 29 – Dear Teen Me (Feature)

May 30 – Burning Tree Reads (Interview & Review)

May 31 – Bookalicious (Review)
June 1 – Proserpine Craving Book Blog (Interview)
June 2 – Books of Love (Review)

June 3 – Happy Book Lovers (Review)

I was so lucky to get Georgia to pause a moment in her busy day to interview her. Here it is…
When did you get the writing bug?
Georgia McBride: I’ve been doing creative writing since I was old enough to write sentences. Poems, shorts, novellas, but never a novel. I also wrote fan fiction based on musicians or bands I liked. I didn’t take any of it seriously until I got laid off in 2008.
You do a lot for the writing community. What advice would you give to young writers or writers starting out?
Georgia McBride: Thank you. Community is the advice. Writing is very solitary. It’s important to surround oneself with like-minded people who can support, advise and raise up writers in the trenches. Community can also be valuable in that it can provide access to information and knowledge. Join writers groups on or offline. That’s where you will thrive and grow as a writer. 

Not only are you a writer, but you’re also a publisher. Putting on your publisher hat, what do you think makes a good book?
Georgia McBride: A good book is one that forces the reader to become invested in what happens/ the book’s outcome. Not sure how else to describe it. 

How did you come up with the idea for PRAEFATIO?
Georgia McBride: It wasn’t my idea. The characters began telling me their stories. First Gavin, then Grace, then Remi. I thought I was going mad at the time. But, I heard 3 distinct voices in my head for about 6 months. 
What was the hardest scene to write in PRAEFATIO?
Georgia McBride: There were a few. The hardest craft-wise include the opening. I struggled with when to reveal that Grace is an angel. So many books are written where the twist is the revelation that the “normal” character isn’t normal after all. But I know quickly that this story isn’t about Grace finding out who she is insomuch as it is about the police and doctors and public believing her. 
Which scene in PRAEFATIO is your favorite or made you cry?
Georgia McBride: I remember writing a scene where one of the beloved characters dies. I cried for 2 days. It was sad of course due to the loss, but it had also become clear that more ppl would die and I had become so attached to the characters that I didn’t want to lose them. 

If you could meet any author, you wanted and haven’t met who would it be?
Georgia McBride: I’d love to meet Ann Rice. I want to write a book with her or for her to write a book for Month9Books. I will take either. 
What does your writing desk look like? Or are you a nomad, writing wherever you take your laptop?
Georgia McBride: I write using my laptop, desktop or iPad. Sometimes I use a notebook or my phone. My desks (I have 2) are both a complete nightmare. I need an intervention. 
Are you a panster or a plotter? 
Georgia McBride: I can be both at times.
And more importantly, coffee or tea?

Georgia McBride: Coffee for me is a need. I do enjoy tea as well.

Sweet or Salty? What’s your snack of choice?

Georgia McBride: Any crunchy salty snack will do. I prefer popcorn with a sickening amount of butter.

Quiet cabin in the woods or bustling city vacation?

Georgia McBride: Um. Repeat after me, “The Blair Witch!”

Your readers would be most surprised to learn that you _______________? (fill in the blank)

Georgia McBride: I dressed like Madonna in middle school.

And finally, best way to say goodbye? Hug or handshake?

Georgia McBride: I’ve become a hugger. Yep. I’m becoming Southern.
Categories: Books


Melanie McCullough · May 26, 2013 at 8:05 am

Praefatio sounds incredible. I love the concept of an unreliable narrator and trying to figure out if what she is saying is true or not. I can’t wait to read it!

KimmieAnn · May 26, 2013 at 8:20 am

Praefatio is my current read at the moment! I am in love with it already. Grace is definitely someone who can hold her own and the writing is superb. You can tell Georgia McBride did her research, which can be rare in today’s writing when it comes to fantasy or creating worlds.

Meradeth Houston · May 26, 2013 at 9:05 am

This looks awesome–can’t wait to read it! Fun interview, too 🙂

Sara Henderson · May 26, 2013 at 9:39 am

Sounds very interesting. Can’t wait to read it.

LindaBudz · May 26, 2013 at 10:06 am

It’s on my Kindle, next in line after my current read. Looking forward to it!

Rachel Schieffelbein · May 26, 2013 at 11:10 am

I’m looking forward to reading this. 🙂
Great advice about community. I was nervous to start blogging and I’m so glad I did! I’ve met so many great people, including my CPs, and my writing is so much stronger now. My desire to keep writing is stronger, too. 🙂

rosemond cates · May 28, 2013 at 5:55 am

I had the privilege of meeting Georgia at DFWCON this year! Such a genuinely nice person! I can’t wait to read this book!

RaShelle Workman · May 28, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Love the cover. The book sounds great. =)

Martina at Adventures in YA Publishing · May 29, 2013 at 8:12 am

Just wanted to say congrats to Georgia and say how inspiring her story is. Thanks for the fun interview!

Kittie Howard · June 6, 2013 at 4:21 pm

Congrats, Georgia, and thanks for this fun interview, Brenda. That cover is awesome, makes me want to read the book.

md golam hossain · June 7, 2013 at 8:36 pm

The cover is very attractive.After reading attitudes are funny.Congrats to Georgia.

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