I’m so thrilled to have Kerri Cuevas and her lovely book on my blog today. Kerri and I started following and commenting on each others’ blogs when we first started blogging. So it just feels right to have her on it today. And I definitely have a cover crush on this one. It’s RED – my favorite color!

I’m going to giveaway a copy of DEADLY KISSES to one lucky winner. All you have to do is tell me in the comments below what one rule you wish you hadn’t broken.

Aiden Grant is seventeen, has a killer kiss, and a boss who used to be President, back in the old days. You see, Aiden is a grim reaper and his kiss welcomes the newly dead. But Aiden’s pleasant grim reaper lifestyle is in jeopardy. And it’s not only because Honest Abe keeps throwing out history lessons with reaping assignments, just to confuse him. It’s because Aiden’s next assignment is to reap the soul of Bee, the only girl he has ever loved.

When Aiden’s kiss of death fails, intertwining their souls, Bee is still very much alive and they are both in trouble. The ancients want Bee, who has special powers of her own, and they’ll do anything to get her.

Some rules are meant to be broken—even if that means Aiden must bargain with his own soul to save Bee. Who knew the afterlife could get so complicated?

Author Bio:
Kerri Cuevas was born and raised in Rhode Island. She moved to New Hampshire with her husband, three kids, cats and a rabbit named Hercules in 2005. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing chickens on her small farm or searching for the ultimate mac-a-cheese recipe.

Kerri went to college for Early Childhood Education but now writes books for young adults full-time. Her storytelling stems from watching too many horror flicks as a teen, but she no longer needs to sleep with the lights on.


Buy it on Amazon
WiDo Publishing


“Kerri Cuevas weaves a fun and imaginative story in Deadly Kisses. Cuevas creates a warm romance between Bee and Aiden—the living and the dead, replete with colorful characters. An engaging and sweet young-adult read.” – Liz Gruder. YA author, Starseed.

Check out the blog tour schedule here Also sign up and win some free Deadly Kisses swag!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Categories: Books


meradeth · March 7, 2013 at 7:19 am

Sounds like an awesome book! For rules I wish I hadn’t broken, do parking rules count? Because I certainly have my fair share of parking tickets I wish I hadn’t had to of paid! 🙂

Summer Ross · March 7, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Her cover is beautiful!

Kerri Cuev · March 8, 2013 at 9:24 am

Thanks for having me today, Brenda. *raises glass* We’ve come a long way, and the journey has been a blast!

Brenda Drake · March 23, 2013 at 1:02 pm

The winner of the copy of DEADLY KISSES is Meradeth – congratulations! I will contact you shortly!

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