Genre: Science Fiction Suspense
Word Count: 67,000
Designed to survive a nuclear holocaust, 17-year-old Ginny’s survival depends on taking down the immoral senator who placed her and her genetically engineered DNA on the international chopping block.
The overhead light flared on. Ginny grumbled as she opened one eye, and the green numbers on the alarm clock glared at her. 12:01. “It’s the middle of the freakin’ night.”
“Get up. It’s time,” Dad said, his eyes wide, his lips thinned. “We told you it’d be this way.” He punched the code opening the panic room at the back of her closet. He installed it last month while spouting a detailed explanation involving as much intrigue as a political thriller.
After the tenth kidnapping, parents all over town took extreme measures, but panic rooms? Get real. She thought her parents were overreacting.
She stumbled on Grace, her stuffed pig – a gift from friend, Toad. “Where’s Mom?”
The door silenced any response, if there was one. A sharp clank followed the sucking of the vacuum seal, and she found herself imprisoned by iron walls, cold and unwelcoming. A steel door threw back her distorted reflection.
Categories: MiscPitch Madness