Name: Ryann Kerekes
Standardized testing in high school determines your future. And I scored a perfect 3100 on the test. That had only been done one other time. Okay, so truth be told, I might have cheated. Just a little. Or a lot. Depends on how you look at it. But when they made it so easy to hack into the testing system’s mainframe, they were practically asking for it.
If I would have known the consequences–trust me–I wouldn’t have. But I accidently submitted the test before I changed some of my answers back to the wrong choice. And now, all of my belongings are packed in two rolling suitcases beside my bedroom door. 
I take one last look around my room. The photo frame flashes an image of Piper and me from the summer at her cousin’s bonfire. Otherwise known as the night I learned warm beer, almond liqueur and vodka don’t mix. I made out with Archer Gibson in the woods. Not one of my finer moments. Good thing I knew how to remove the photographic evidence of that night from his MyPage.
“Tinley?” My mom calls across the intercom. “You about ready?”
I stuff the digital frame in my shoulder bag. The memories of Piper and our debauchery will have to be enough to sustain me for a while. “Coming,” I call. Let’s get this shit-show started. Transferring at the end of the school year, because, yeah, that’s not awkward.
Categories: ContestsMisc


Crystal Licata · December 12, 2011 at 11:31 am

I really love this and for some reason didn’t see it initially. Maybe it wasn’t on the list. I’m guessing 17 because she is in High School but has a bit of an attitude (which I like) so she is probably an older teen. Great start! I would definitely keep reading 🙂

Robin Weeks · December 12, 2011 at 4:19 pm

Such a fun premise! Hacker gets just desserts by being thought smarter than she is. Would love to read more. 🙂

Ryann · December 12, 2011 at 4:24 pm

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ryann · December 12, 2011 at 6:02 pm

Thanks so much for your comments! Glad you enjoyed it.

Shell Flower · December 12, 2011 at 7:24 pm

I’m going to agree with the 17 maybe 18 voice. This is a super cool premise and it’s amazing how you got it all out there in 250 words.

Brenda Drake · December 13, 2011 at 8:46 am

Way to set-up a story. You’ve shown us a lot about this character right off. I’m wondering where she’s going and what will happen next. I’d definitely read on to find out. Wonderful! <3

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