
Pre-order GUARDIAN OF SECRETS before February 7, 2017 and get a signed bookmark, signed locker magnet, and autographed bookplate, plus an entry into the below pictured prize pack. Enter your information into the form below. Swag packs start mailing out February 8,  2017, and the winner of the grand prize pack will be chosen the day after release.


Pre-order today!

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About the book …

Being a Sentinel isn’t all fairytales and secret gardens.

Sure, jumping through books into the world’s most beautiful libraries to protect humans from mystical creatures is awesome. No one knows that better than Gia Kearns, but she could do without the part where people are always trying to kill her. Oh, and the fact that Pop and her had to move away from her friends and life as she knew it.

And if that isn’t enough, her boyfriend, Arik, is acting strangely. Like, maybe she should be calling him “ex,” since he’s so into another girl. But she doesn’t have time to be mad or even jealous, because someone has to save the world from the upcoming apocalypse, and it looks like that’s going to be Gia.

Maybe. If she survives.


If you haven’t read the first book in the Library Jumpers series, THIEF OF LIES, a New York Times bestseller, the eBook is on sale for $.99 during the Entangled Publishing 25-days of Christmas sale going on now at all online retailers!

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Categories: Books

1 Comment

Sheena-kay Graham · December 21, 2016 at 6:59 pm

This is an exciting giveaway.

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