

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already December! This year flew by! As I reflect on this past year, I have so much to be thankful for. I wrote two books, I traveled, and I got to spend some quality time with my family, to name a few. But, of all things I’ve done this year, it was the time I spent traveling with my family that was the most meaningful.

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year (congrats, Mom and Dad)! To honor the life they’ve built together, our entire family: Mom, Dad, my brother, his wife, their three girls, my husband, our two daughters, my mother-in-law, and myself, we all embarked on a Disney Cruise. Naturally, the cruise was amazing. But what was even more magical than spending four days on the ocean and hanging out with the princesses, it was the time I got to spend with my whole family!

We’re spread out all over the country, so for us to be in the same place, at the same time, it’s pretty special. From our sixteen-hour girls’ road trip to Florida, the guys flying in to meet us, and watching my daughters’ eyes shine with wonder as they took in the majesty of the Atlantic Ocean, I’ve got memories that will last a lifetime.

mm-1 mm-2

16 hours in the car!                                       The Fam!

We’re a crazy bunch!

Even now, months later, my girls and I will snuggle in bed together and look through all the pictures, trading giggles, reminiscing, sharing stories, holding onto the cherished memories of our summer family adventure while we make new ones.

In this holiday season, I’m most thankful for my family, every one of them. For all the love, support, and memories they give me each day, I’m so grateful. My prayer and hope is that you have a blessed holiday. Hug your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you. Make some new memories, cherish the old ones, and above all else, love one another.



Marie Meyer

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Marie Meyer was a language arts teacher for fourteen years. She spends her days in the classroom and her nights writing heartfelt new adult romances that will leave readers clamoring for more. She is a member of RWA and the St. Louis Writers Guild. Marie’s short fiction won honorable mentions from the St. Louis Writers Guild in 2010 and 2011. She is a proud mommy and enjoys helping her oldest daughter train for the Special Olympics, making up silly stories with her youngest daughter, and bingeing on weeks of DVR’d television shows with her husband. Marie is represented by Louise Fury of the Bent Agency.

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Marie’s recent release… THE TURNING POINT

turning-pointIt’s funny how a piece of paper can change your life-a diploma, a ticket . . . a plain, white envelope 

For as long as I could remember, I was the girl with the plan. Good college, good medical school, good career. I would save lives instead of standing by helplessly, watching while they slipped away.

That was before my father called for the first time in fifteen years to tell me about the terminal illness stealing his life-an illness that might be stealing mine, too. It was before he gave me the name of a doctor and a plane ticket to Italy. Before I flew across an ocean. Before I realized how brilliantly bright life could be. Before I met Lucas.

He’s everything I’ve always wanted, and the timing couldn’t be worse. I can’t do this to him-he deserves so much better. My head tells me I can’t afford to fall in love with Lucas, but my heart won’t listen. Lucas is fearless about the future, while I’m not even sure I have one. There’s only one way to know what’s ahead and it’s waiting for me at home inside a plain, white envelope.

All I have to do, is open it . . .

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Find all of Marie’s books here

1 Comment

Reading Links…12/6/16 – Where Genres Collide · December 6, 2016 at 7:02 am

[…] It’s funny how a little piece of paper can change your life, a diploma, a ticket…a plain, white envelope. […]

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