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Tomorrow the Pitch Wars agent showcase goes live! Our fabulous mentees have worked tirelessly with their mentors to get their pitches and manuscripts in tip-top shape for our agents. We’re so excited to share them with you. Please stop by to read all the amazing entries.

Thank you to the Pitch Wars team, Heather Cashman, Nikki Roberti, and Joy McCullough, working hard behind the scenes with me to bring this years showcase together! And welcome the new member of our team, Monica Hoffman! Check out their bios on the sidebar and friend or follow them on their social media accounts.

Check out this post here and here to read about all our wonderful agents participating in Pitch Wars 2016!

Here’s the showcase schedule …

November 3 – 9: Agent Showcase

  • November 3: Adult and New Adult entries go up on my blog
  • November 4: MG entries go up on my blog
  • November 5: YA entries go up on my blog
  • November 9: Last day of Agent Showcase

December 1: #PitMad Twitter Pitch Party

Congratulations Pitch Wars Class of 2016, you’ve graduated!!!!

And now it’s time to dance!!!!!


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Categories: Pitch Wars