PW Interviews

Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase on November 3rd-9th, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2016 Pitch Wars Teams.

And now, we have . . . 

Elesha Teskey

Elesha Teskey – Mentee

Twitter | Website

Nazarea Andrews

Nazarea Andrews – Mentor

Twitter | Website

Elesha: Why did you choose Nazarea?

Nazarea seemed really cool and shared my love of Supernatural. When I read her Pitch Wars bio, I thought, “This is someone who could really get my manuscript.” There were some aspects on her wish list that, though my manuscript didn’t have, I loved. She seemed like a kindred spirit.

Nazarea: Why did you choose Elesha/Shards of Souls?

I loved Shards of Souls. It was a fantastic piece, one of the earlier submissions I read and it hit my short list almost immediately. The voice and plot captivated me. And then there was Elesha. I liked her social media, and I loved the read I got on her from her query—and she likes Supernatural, which certainly didn’t hurt. 😉

Elesha: Summarize your book in three words.

Soul stealing brother.

Nazarea: Summarize Elesha’s book in three words.

Brilliantly crafted with a unique voice. (That’s more than three. Sorry.)

Elesha: Tell us about yourself. What makes you and your MS unique?

The manuscript I entered in Pitch Wars, Shards of Souls, is the third I’ve written. It was inspired by a non-fiction book title, Bringing Back the Recently Deceased, and is a different take on necromancers. In Shards of Souls, I also incorporated my knowledge of energies in the body.

I’ve loved books all my life and am lucky enough to have jobs that allow me to work with them. I’m a publicist for Pen & Kink Publishing, and a circulation clerk at a library. I’m a co-founder of the Twitter chat, #DarkLitChat, for writers of darker fiction.

Nazarea: Tell us about yourself. Something we might not already know.

Oh, lord. Um. Something you DON’T know? I grew up shy and on military bases and that helped foster my love of reading and stories—they were my escapes. In a very real sense they still are—the stories I write and read are a way I cope with depression.

I can be found (with all my books) at or you can find me babbling about fandom at


Check out Nazarea Andrews’s latest book . . .

The Scionless House (The Scion Legacy Book 1) by [Andrews, Nazarea]

The Scionless House (The Scion Legacy Book 1)

Twelve Houses. Twelve vampire lines. We ruled from the shadows, and manipulated the world, and when humans came too close to destruction, we intervened.
Every House has a Scion. A fragile, easily broken human that stood shoulder to shoulder with the house Princes and Princesses.
Except for ours. The Ravens, House Cantelie.
We’ve been without a Scion for almost fifteen years.
But that will change…and her life will be mine to protect.


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! And don’t forget to stop by the Agent Showcase starting November 3rd to see how our teams do in the final round.