

The application period has closed. Winners will be contacted by email on or before October 24. If you don’t receive an email, it means you weren’t selected for the sponsorship. We had many entries and it will be difficult choosing just three.

We love giving back to the community, so please keep an eye out on this site and the new site (coming soon) for more opportunities with contests, free workshops, free books, and more.

Thank you!

Brenda Drake



The Pitch Wars community celebrates education, hard work, and supporting one another. Because of this, we’re joining forces with The Manuscript Academy, an online writers’ workshop by Manuscript Wishlist.

Pitch Wars is offering a scholarship to three writers, so they can attend their choice of two upcoming conferences:

Writing Picture Books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult, begins November 5, 2016

How to Get Your Adult Fiction (or Memoir) Published, begins November 26, 2016

Three writers will be selected based on a brief description of why you want/need this opportunity. Check out The Manuscript Academy and then fill out the form below to let us know why you would like to win one of the scholarships we’re giving away. The scholarship giveaway will be open until October 18th!

About The Manuscript Academy . . .

logo-300x297The Manuscript Academy offers world-class publishing instruction that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home or a nearby coffee shop. Unlike traditional conferences, you simply need a computer, a tablet, or even your smartphone to log in and enjoy the very best instruction from some of the top minds in the literary community. Every online Manuscript Academy conference will give you the full educational and networking value of a traditional writing conference, but without the hassle of travel, paying for meals out, or arranging childcare.

Event registrants will receive the following:

  • Access to exclusive recorded classes and panels, designed to educate you about need-to-know topics such as how to submit your work, what agents and editors are looking for, how to craft amazing novels and books, the business of writing and promotion, and much more. You will have access to many high-quality recorded video presentations for 30 full days—so you can pause, rewind, and take notes at your own convenience. See the full schedule of classes here.
  • Opportunities to pitch agents and editors one-on-one online. Using just your computer, you can arrange one-on-one pitches with literary agents and publishing house editors who are actively seeking books and clients right now. (Pitches are optional. You can sign up for as many pitches as you like.)
  • Critique opportunities for your work. If you want a professional critique of your work, then Manuscript Academy has opportunities for you. Our awesome faculty of agents, editors, and published authors offer detailed critiques of manuscript pages, query letters, synopses, and nonfiction book proposals. This is an amazing opportunity to get expert feedback on your work. Plus, Manuscript Academy members also gain access to our Academy Forum, which allows writers to connect with each other and form online writing critique groups.


All information in this form will only be used to select and contact the winners and will be deleted as soon as winners are chosen.

FORM REMOVED: The application period has closed.
