
Battlers Wanted!

Kinokuniya Will Host the First US Bibliobattle in New York on July 23rd

At Kinokuniya Bookstore
1073 Avenue of the Americas
(Between 40th & 41st Streets, Across from Bryant Park)
Subways B, D, F, M & 7; 42nd Street Bryant Park Exit

Saturday, July 23rd at 3 PM Admission Free

Bibliobattle is a social book review game which was developed in the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University in Japan. Bibliobattle is built around love for books and reviewing your favorites. ‘Battlers’ choose and bring along a favorite book. They have five minutes to present, read excerpts from, describe and basically express their love and appreciation for a book they’ve read. Battle themes can apply and the theme for July 23rd will be ‘Young Adult’. After each presentation (strictly five minutes in length) the audience can ask questions for two to three minutes. Then the next battler goes. Anyone can participate but the ‘battlers’ will be limited to five per session due to time constraints. At the end the audience, including the battlers (but excluding their own book) choose the book ‘they would be most interested in reading’ after hearing the presentations. The game is supportive and presentations themselves are not critiqued. We still need battlers for July 23rd. Please apply with your book choice to or contact the store at (212) 869-1700.

Of course, it is free to attend and anyone can be part of the audience.





Categories: Misc