By Michelle Kemper Brownlow
New Adult Romance
RELEASE DATE: April 19, 2016

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About the book …

Honor student, Kate Green, sees promise in an out-of-character dive into social media as an innocuous attempt to prepare for her freshman year at the University of Maryland. She quickly learns the ropes as alter ego “Lexi Cartwright” and enjoys all the flirting and drama the web has to offer. But when “Lexi” catches the attention of Oliver Walt, lead singer of the British Indie rock band Phobia5, Kate’s game gets kicked up a notch. 
An intense relationship blooms, and before she knows it, Kate has woven herself into Oliver’s life, but as “Lexi”…the biggest lie she’s ever told. And, as if that isn’t bad enough, an unexpected twist of events leaves Kate with no choice but to take that lie one step further. What started as a harmless social experiment soon has the potential to shatter the heart and soul of the man she’s falling for.

The lie she’s living sits cold and heavy on Kate’s heart. She knows what she needs to do, it’s the “when” that she struggles with. Over and over again, her attempts at coming clean with Oliver are thwarted, and all the while, the lie continues to grow. But, how do you choose the best moment to break someone’s heart?

About the author …

Michelle Kemper Brownlow
Michelle Kemper Brownlow
Romance Author
Voted one of the Top 25 Debut Authors of 2013

Michelle likes her music loud and prefers live concerts but will happily settle for the eclectic playlists on her iPhone. This Penn State grad and former high school art teacher is easily distracted by colorful art supplies and Eddie Vedder’s voice. When she’s not in her studio writing, she can be found putting off housework for a good romance novel that has her heart pounding and tears flowing. She is married to her very own “Jake” and is mom to three fantastic humans, a black lab and a Chinchilla named Wodney.

