donkey kong


Title: Dandelions

Age Category: Middle Grade

Genre: Fantasy

Word Count: 55000

Pitch: The worlds Quilla created by wishing on dandelions are dying. She is the only one who can save them, but her sister’s murderer swore to kill her if she returned. Time for an epic plan.

First 250 Word of Manuscript:
Aaron shouldn’t be here.

My first day of middle school and my best friend from the world I made when I was five stares at me from across the room. It’s impossible. No one from my made up world of Wonderland can be on Earth. But here he is, sitting on the other side of the room, like it’s no big deal. He smiles at me, eyes bright, and waves.

His eyes are as blue-green as the sea, hair black as my favorite pen, dark brown skin lighter than my own. A scar runs from behind his left ear and down his jawline. It cuts across the right side of his lips, skates around the bottom of his nose and ends at the corner of his right eye.

I will never forget the flash of Gunnar’s sword as it swung toward Aaron, and his body crumpled to the ground. The final day of fighting in Wonderland. The day my sister, Amy, was lost to me forever. The last day I saw him.

He got it trying to protect her, trying to help me.

I trace the puckered skin on my left arm, circling around my wrist and thumb.

I quickly sign, “How are you here?” but he looks away from me as our teacher calls for our attention. My interpreter, Lucy, signs my name, Quilla, and I raise my hand. I can’t focus on anything else Lucy translates.

My hands shake, my chest is tight, and I blink away tears.

Categories: ContestsPitch Madness

1 Comment

Laura Biagi · March 9, 2016 at 6:11 pm

The Mega Mushroom!

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