We have winners for the #bookhuggles mega giveaway!!!


The two winners of boxes full of young adult books are …

1st winner: Jamie Dorner

2nd winner: Susie Fisher

(1st winner gets choice of Illuminae by Kaufman and Kristoff box w/various books or Carry On by Rainbow Rowell box w/various books)

The winner of the box full of new adult and adult books is …

Jean Frances

And the international winner of Amazon Gift Card & choice of Entangled Publishing book is …

A.M. Anderson

Congratulations, winners, and thank you for entering! I will email the winners to get mailing information soon!


A HUGE thank you to all the authors who participated by providing a picture and/or donating a book for the gift boxes. Check out all the wonderful books and add them to your reading list…

Lisa Brown Roberts BookHuggles Katherine Fleet Bookhuggles Jennifer Blackwood BookHuggles HauckBookHuggles Kate and Leah Roper BookHuggles Tyre_bookHuggle Shonna Slayton Book Huggles

Kate Foster BookHuggles Karri Thompson BookHuggles Sharon Johnston BookHuggles Gloria Craw_ Atlantis Rising D.R. Graham Book Huggles KT Hanna book huggles Jaye Robin Brown Author2Tamara Mayata BookHuggles2

Pintip Dunn BookHugglesMarieke Nijkamp BookHugglesStacey Trombley BookHugglesA.L.  Davroe BookHuggles


Categories: Misc


Jamie Dorner @Penminion · January 4, 2016 at 3:30 pm

Yay! I’m so happy. Thank you so much.
I pick the Illuminae box of Books. Very excited to read. 🙂

Eve Messenger · January 4, 2016 at 3:38 pm

What a thrill for these lucky winners–soooo many good books to read. Congratulations, Jamie, Susie, Jean, and A.M.!

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