Stacey Trombley BookHugglesStacey Trombley

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We’re holding an amazing contest over on Instagram on the hashtag #bookhuggles, where authors are posting pics of themselves with their books and readers are posting pics of their favorite books or current reads. There’s three gift boxes full of books and surprises for US addresses and a $50 Amazon gift card for international addresses up for grabs that will be rewarded to winners of the contest. See the ad below for all the details on how to enter and participate in this event.

Today’s featured author is Stacey Trombley and her novel, Naked …

The best place to hide is in a lie…

I could never fit in to the life my parents demanded. By the time I was thirteen, it was too much. I ran away to New York City…and found a nightmare that lasted three years. A nightmare that began and ended with a pimp named Luis. Now I am Dirty Anna. Broken, like everything inside me has gone bad.

Except that for the first time, I have a chance to start over. Not just with my parents but at school. Still, the rumors follow me everywhere. Down the hall. In classes. And the only hope I can see is in the wide, brightly lit smile of Jackson, the boy next door. So I lie to him. I lie to protect him from my past. I lie so that I don’t have to be The Girl Who Went Bad.

The only problem is that someone in my school knows about New York.

Someone knows who I really am.

And it’s just a matter of time before the real Anna is exposed…



Enter the Rafflecopter here for a chance to win 1 of 3 boxes full of books or join the campaign on Instagram …

Instagram: @brendadrakeauthor


Categories: BooksContests