When 16 year old Holly Burton enters C.U.L.T., a boarding school for the freakishly gifted, and discovers she can teleport to Eiros, NYC’s grungy Innerworld, her geeky life is transformed into a quest for Arwen, a biokinetic icon capable of altering human DNA.

Her choices?  Find Arwen, save the world from Cadifor, the Lord of Darkness.  Fail, she dies.

Throw in a mom who abandoned her as a baby and is now siding with Cadifor, a twin she never knew existed, an ancient bond to Belenus, the Sun God, and a sexy alpha warrior sworn to protect her and Holly’s C.U.L.T. timetable of Ogham, Botanomancy and Semantics is looking surprisingly tame in comparison.


Nicola Marsh
USA TODAY bestselling author Nicola Marsh writes flirty fiction with flair for adults and riveting, eerie stories for young adults. Learn more about her on her website. Follow her on Twitter (@NicolaMarsh), blog , and Facebook.
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