During the run of Pitch Wars, we were fortunate to have a group of incredibly generous volunteers contribute to our blog. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the amazing writers who produced content over the years: Angel Zhang, Anna Kaling, Annette Christie, Brenda Drake, Erin Hardee, Ernie Chiara, Gail Villanueva, Gwynne Jackson, Heather Cashman, Jaime Dill, Kellye Garrett, Leigh Mar, Lisa Leoni, Rochelle Karina, Sarah Nicolas, and Shari Schwarz. If I’ve inadvertently missed anyone, I sincerely apologize—please let me know. The posts below are a compilation of their contributions over the years. Below, you’ll find the dedicated blog team from our final years.

Rochelle Karina

Co-Blog Team Leader

Rochelle Karina is a 2018 Pitch Wars mentee and former magazine and newspaper editor now working as a freelance writer in the heart of Baltimore. When not at her desk coming up with new ways to torment her characters, she can often be found in the kitchen, glass of wine in hand, cooking a meal for friends.

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Co-Blog Team Leader

Anna Kaling writes mostly British contemporary romances featuring lots of tea, rain, and passive-aggressive queuing. By day she writes about concrete erections for a construction firm, and by night she… well, never mind. She’s working towards being an old cat lady and is a big fan of sharks, bad horror movies, and the Loch Ness Monster.

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Stephanie Scott

Stephanie Scott writes young adult and romance about characters who put their passions first. Her debut ALTERATIONS about a fashion-obsessed loner who reinvents herself was a Romance Writers of America RITA® award finalist. FALLING INTO PLACE is sweet second chance romance part of a multi-author series. She also has a short story in the YA anthology WELCOME HOME from Flux Books. She enjoys dance fitness, everything cats, and has a slight obsession with Instagram. A Midwest girl at heart, she resides outside of Chicago with her tech-of-all-trades husband and fuzzy furbabies.

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Morag Hannah is a web content designer and 2020 Pitch Wars mentee. She writes sapphic genre fiction with her wife under the penname MK Hardy. Her favourite things include sleeping, cheese, and volunteering for things, like a fool.

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Erin Hardee is a science communicator and university lecturer and a 2020 Pitch Wars mentee. She is the other half of MK Hardy along with her wife. Originally from California, she now lives in Scotland, where she enjoys playing boardgames, walking around lochs and trying to keep various houseplants alive.

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Angel Zhang

Angel Zhang is a 2019 Pitch Wars mentee and internationally exhibited fine art photographer. Angel lives on an island in a lake with a husband, a cat, three chinchillas, four horses, and a secret garden.

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