Our mentors are mentoring, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 9, 2021, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2021 Pitch Wars Mentor and Mentee Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Zoe Zander – Mentee



Jessica Lewis – Mentor

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Jessica, why did you choose Zoe?

I devoured this book in two days. Literally couldn’t put it down!! I loved the setting (road trip book in the Midwest?? Sign me up), the sapphic couple, and the creeping, dreaded Void that hung over the characters at all times. It’s exactly what I love about horror and more! I knew this book was a winner and I’m glad I get to help it shine.

(Mentee name), why did you choose to submit to (Mentor(s) name(s))?

I submitted to Jessica because her wishlist seemed to perfectly fit my book! Everything she wanted, my book checked that box. Working with someone who so passionately wanted something that I had was just a dream, so of course I had to submit to her! Her hands on approach was super appealing as I was terrified of going through this alone, so with Jessica I knew that would never happen. Working with Jessica has simply been a dream! She’s so kind and talented and has made me think more deeply about the words I write than I ever thought I could.

(Mentor(s) name(s)), summarize (mentee name)’s book in 3 words.

So Many Eyeballs

(Mentee name), summarize your book in 3 words.

Eyes, cults, yearning

(Mentor(s) name(s)), tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I’m a Black author and receptionist! A little known fact about me is that I got into Korean hip hop/rap for book research (that never went anywhere), and I’ve somehow Pavloved myself into wanting to edit whenever I have one of those playlists going.

(Mentee name), what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

Learning the craft better, for sure! I, like many, am largely self-taught when it comes to writing, so honing that skill and making it stronger is something I’m always trying to do. As a self-admitted pantser, learning how to outline to make my drafts stronger has been a huge help that I know I’ll take with me to all future projects, as well!

(Mentee name), tell us about yourself. What makes you and your manuscript unique?

Born and raised in the frigid Midwest, I’ve wanted to write a horror based here for a long time. The book takes place largely on the highway, which can be super isolating and something I wanted to integrate into my book to show the world just how terrifying the Midwest can be.

Check out Jessica’s or latest release, BAD WITCH BURNING …

Katrell doesn’t mind talking to the dead; she just wishes it made more money. Clients pay her to talk to their deceased loved ones, but it isn’t enough to support her unemployed mother and Mom’s deadbeat boyfriend-of-the-week. Things get worse when a ghost suddenly warns her to stop the summonings or she’ll “burn everything down.” Katrell is willing to call them on their bluff, though–she has no choice. What do ghosts know about eating peanut butter for dinner?

However, when her next summoning accidentally raises someone from the dead, Katrell realizes that a live body is worth a lot more than a dead apparition. And, warning or not, she has no intention of letting this lucrative new business go.

But magic doesn’t come for free, and soon dark forces are closing in on Katrell. The further she goes, the more she risks the lives of not only herself, but those she loves. Katrell faces a choice: resign herself to poverty, or confront the darkness before it’s too late.

Buy Now!

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Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 9-14, 2022. Make sure to stop by then and check out all our mentees’ entries when it opens.