Our mentors are mentoring, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 9, 2021, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2021 Pitch Wars Mentor and Mentee Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

TB Wright – Mentee



Nanci Schwartz – Mentor

Website | Twitter


LL Montez – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Nanci and LL, why did you choose TB?

Nanci: SPANNER had everything I enjoy in science fiction: spaceships, a crew that’s a family, intergalactic conflict, and a heist that goes wrong. I loved the world TB created and wanted to learn more about it and the characters. Plus, we knew we’d be able to help him get even more conflict into his already compelling cast.

L: After reading the first chapter, I knew SPANNER was going to be a thrillride. TB quickly captured my attention with the magic his world’s pilots use to fly their starships and navigate the galaxy. And when I saw there was potential to make the angsty romantic subplot even ANGSTIER… I was hooked.

TB, why did you choose to submit to Nanci and LL?

SPACE! Nanci and L love sci-fi as much as I do and I was instantly drawn to their Mentor pitch. I wanted to find a mentor that felt strongly about the genre and had a good eye for its conventions. They both fit the bill perfectly.

Nanci and LL, summarize TB’s book in 3 words.

Nanci: Conflicted mage pilot

L: *Facepalm* Girl, noooooo

TB, summarize your book in 3 words.

More Bad Decisions!?

Nanci and LL, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

Nanci: My upcoming debut novel ROBBER BARRONS was first written in 2012, rewritten completely in 2016, and then rewritten again during Pitch Wars 2018.

L: My life’s goal is to get my pilot’s license. It’s been my dream ever since I was a kid.

TB, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I’m hoping to get a more complete understanding of what’s required of a final manuscript and how best to tackle edits and a query letter; and to meet others at the same point in their writing careers as I am to build lifelong relationships.

TB, tell us about yourself. What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I’m a professional video game developer of almost a decade and have worked on everything from huge blockbusters to little indie games. I’ve even worked on a Star Wars game in the past! SPANNER has been in my head for fifteen years; it’s the marriage of my deep love of character-driven narratives with a lifelong fascination with science and all things space. It’s evolved a lot but it encapsulates so many things that are important to me and I want to share with others.

Add Nanci’s upcoming release, ROBBER BARRONS  to Goodreads. It was selected for Pitch Wars in 2018 and is the first installment of a forthcoming trilogy (Aethon Books)

Check out LL’s story in the anthology, ALL THINGS WEIRD AND STRANGE released on May 4, 2021 …

“Sunburn” can be found in All Things Weird & Strange, a young adult science fiction anthology featuring six writers and six stories of the unexpected. Within its pages, you’ll find two stories of celebrities facing heartbreak in futuristic and fantastical worlds, two of power and ability and their inherent possibilities, and two of space exploration and disasters faced by humanity. In “Sunburn”, a young diplomat travels to the sun to convince it to save her planet only to have the sun’s translator stand in her way.

All Things Strange & Weird was published through Hypothesis Productions in 2021.



Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 9-14, 2022. Make sure to stop by then and check out all our mentees’ entries when it opens.