It’s Black History Month, and we have a couple of Black creators stopping by this month to share history that has touched them or molded who they are today.

We’re so lucky to have the talented author, artist, teacher, and visionary, D.A. Alston, here today to share with us.

I’m giving away two sets of D.A.’s series the Royal Elite Squad. So make sure to enter the drawing at the bottom of this post!




D.A. Alston was born in sunny San Diego however she has spent majority of her life in south Atlanta. She’s been teaching and working with children for 10 years.  D.A. is a published author of the Royal Elite Squad Series. Both of her books are available everywhere you shop for books online. She loves finding new ways to express her creativity if it be through painting, digital art, music,  or whatever else she can get her hands on. When she isn’t hosting creative paint classes, or teaching the youth of tomorrow she’s working on ways to help others build and achieve their dreams.

Website | Instagram | Twitter

And D.A. on her Black history …

When you hear the word history it often makes your mind wander back to lectures on old presidents, fallen heroes and countless wars you can’t even recall the reason for. Sadly people rarely count themselves when it comes to history. History is past, the present and the predecessor to what’s to come. Even more so being a black woman my history is forever intertwined with so much of who I am today. My pen name is D.A. Alston and everything about that is Black History. From my middle name (the “D”) being chosen by my grandmother, Judith Trout, who was the 1st black valedictorian of Grove City High School in 1959. And then my first name (the “A”) which was given by my amazing mother who has written countless cantatas, songs and has helped shape more lives than she even knows. Lastly, the name Alston is a family name. My brother, cousins, aunts, uncles…etc all share that name. Alston means old stone. Stones are often used to create foundation and my family is that and so much more. I come from a line of talented singers, preachers, writers, artist, scholars, lovers, friends and trailblazers.

I am very privileged to not have to look that far when it comes to Black History. I honor their legacy through words I’ve penned together in my books. I showcase it in how I present my art. I salute them in my speeches.

The good, the bad and the ugly, all of that is history.

My history. Black history.


D.A.’s Royal Elite Squad series giveaway …

The Unlikely Tale of the Royal Elite Squad follows four young girls as they embark on an exciting new journey after an accident occurs at their school.

Places To Purchase:


In the sequel, the girls are back in action and looking to come out on top as new problems arise. Libby Gray is struggling to put on a brave face while dealing with serious issues at home. Kenzie strives to overachieve even as she combats the overwhelm of leading the group. Adeema must fight through Islamaphobia as she looks to find her place in the world. And Janais learns a shocking secret about her family and must keep herself together in order to fight on.

When a new opponent starts to attack the art community across their city, can our super-powered teens regroup and regain their advantage to keep everyone safe? Or will their new fiery foe be too hot to handle?

Places To Purchase:

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a set of the Royal Elite Squad series. There will be two winners, and it’s open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Categories: Guest Posts