From September 21-26, we’re posting mini-interviews with most of the 2020 Pitch Wars mentors. We thought it would be fun to have them answer one question. A question that would give you an idea of their likes and personalities. And possibly point out a mentor you may have missed on your exhaustive search for which mentors you’ll submit to when our submission window opens. Don’t know what Pitch Wars is START HERE


We’re giving away mentors’ or committee members’ books! Go to the bottom of this post for details and to enter for a chance to win.

Need to connect to the community?

Join the Pitch Wars forum to have discussions with some of our mentors and other writers or get your work critiqued by your peers and sometimes mentors or search for critique partners. It’s our gift to you for being so awesome, and we hope you find this space useful. To join the forum go here:

Mark your calendars!

Join us for our official  chats on Twitter and our live mentor video chats happening on Sarah Nicolas’ Youtube channel. Go to this blog post for dates and follow @PitchWars on Twitter for all the details.

This is the question we asked our mentors to answer: Invite three authors (living or dead) to dinner – who and why?


And here are their answers …

“I’d invite Anthony Bourdain, David Chang, and Susur Lee. You’re damned right that it’d be the most epic dinner conversation and meal-wise, unparalleled. Of course, I’ll be making requests before the dinner because it’s the most obvious thing to do.”

Roselle Lim 

Mentor Page

Website | Twitter






with co-mentor, Farah Heron

Mentor Page

Website | Twitter






Roselle and Farah are mentoring romance and woman’s fiction. Check out their wishlist for more details and see if your manuscript would be a match for them.

“This question is interesting because people always list only published authors. Technically, however, anyone who writes is an author, and I love surprising friends with gifts. So I am going to be technically correct and invite an author friend I know would enjoy, Jemisin, and Rory Power. I think the conversation would be neat, cover a lot of ground, and would without a doubt be respectful.”

K. A. Black

Mentor Page

Twitter | Instagram

K.A. is mentoring Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Steampunk, Retellings, Literary, and accepts New Adult. Check out her wishlist for more details and see if your manuscript would be a match for her.

“Dinner at my dream beachfront home:) — Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and Zora Neale Hurston — I am working on a manuscript inspired by their complicated relationship during the Harlem Renaissance.”

Denny S. Bryce

Mentor Page

Website | Twitter




with co-mentor, L. Penelope

Mentor Page

Website | Twitter






Denny and L. Penelope are mentoring Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Adventure, Retellings, Literary. Check out their wishlist for more details and see if your manuscript would be a match for them.

“Hmmm… Difficult question! Rebekah Weatherspoon because her books are whip smart & she always makes me laugh on Twitter. Courtney Milan because she gets the craft & craziness of writing, plus she’s politically-minded like me. Lastly, George Orwell because I’d want to pick his brain about 1984 and Why I Write, plus I bet he’d have a lot to say about the modern world.”

Gia de Cadenet

Mentor Page

Website | Twitter




Gia is mentoring romance. Check out their wishlist for more details and see if your manuscript would be a match for them.


Enter for a chance to win one of our mentors’ or committee members’ books. We’ll choose ten winners to receive one book each. All you have to do is search our mentors’ and committee members’ books, pick one you’d like to receive should you win, and enter it in the rafflcopter at the bottom of this post. The book must be one from our 2020 mentors or committee members.

You can find our mentor pages here: And you can find our committee members here:

It’s open internationally, but only for books available on the Book Depository. Make sure to go to their site and verify the book is listed for sale before choosing your book in the Rafflecopter.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Categories: InterviewsPitch Wars