Drawing of an owl wearing goggles


It’s almost time for Pitch Wars 2020!

Which means it’s time to polish up your manuscript and start thinking about mentor choices. While Pitch Wars is an amazing program (not that we’re biased or anything), it’s also a lot of hard work.

There’s tons of info out there about how to get your manuscript whipped into shape, or how to draft a query letter. But there is precious little talking about you—the writer—and how you can prepare yourself.

We’ve all had those “I wish I knew this when…” moments.

We’re launching a series called Pitch Wars Prep—the focus will be on preparation and self-assessment, with tips, tricks, and stories from those who’ve been in the trenches—past PW mentees and mentors!

We’re here to help you get ready for those stressful moments from “OMG I just got my edit letter and I’m overwhelmed” and “Eeek! A deadline! What do I do?” all the way to “OMG this sucks!” and “Why is this so hard?”

Because there’s no getting around it—Pitch Wars is tough. But it’s worth it. So keep your eyes on the blog, and our social media, for the Pitch Wars Prep series.


Categories: Pitch Wars Prep