Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 5, 2020, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2019 Pitch Wars Mentor and Mentee Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Melissa Poettcker – Mentee

Website | Twitter

Lindsey Frydman – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Lindsey, why did you choose Melissa?

I remembered Melissa from 2017, when she submitted her amazing romantic magical realism novel. Since I already knew she was a fantastic writer, I requested more pages of Violently Extraordinary immediately. This novel proved to be even better than her last one! I instantly fell in love with her anxious, Cinderella-type heroine and the rugged, smart hero who, along with his brothers, have this incredibly unique ability to “shroom” each other. (Sounds cool, right?) It’s got everything I want in a book: a romance to swoon over, characters to root for, and loads of action, heartache, and plot twists to keep you flipping pages. (Plus, I am a sucker for romantic magical realism.)

Melissa, why did you choose to submit to Lindsey?

Lindsey was an easy choice. Since I’ve followed her on Twitter for years, I knew she was a seasoned mentor and unrepentant in her love for magical realism and romance. Once I read her author preferences, I couldn’t deny that we’re basically the same person.

Lindsey, summarize Melissa’s book in 3 words.

Fierce, extraordinary magic.

Melissa, summarize your book in 3 words.

Extraordinary. Raw. Brotherhood.

Lindsey, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

On more than one occasion, I’ve been able to perform as a burlesque dancer. I enjoy giving my introversion a worthy adversary. 😉

Melissa, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

Being selected for Pitch Wars is a dream come true, and I still have moments of disbelief that I’ve made it this far. I’m here to soak up everything I can. Beyond the mentorship and walking through the fire to make this book publishable, I’m excited to make friends and improve my craft.

Melissa, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

My favorite stories will forever be the ones that make me grip the pages, hold my breath, and ignore my family until I can stand to put the book down. They make me feel all the emotions. That’s why it’s essential that my story break your heart. If I haven’t made you want to toss the book across the room, I haven’t succeeded. Ugly cry – yes, please. Warm butterflies in your stomach – definitely. And just when things come together, the floor may give out on you. But it’s okay. It’s YA, so things will work out. Or will they?

Why is my book unique? It’s a fresh take on the idea that thoughts have power. Written in a contemporary world, it’s the story of triplet brothers who can amplify each other’s natural talents with a single thought – the ultimate “sending good vibes”. Filled with illegal fights, forbidden romance, and a descent into a dangerous criminal underworld, it’s a rollercoaster ride of impossible choices.

Check out Lindsey’s upcoming release, TO WHATEVER END.

Quinn Easterly is cursed. With one touch, she can see the end to someone’s life. Everyday deaths, and ones that haunt her in her daydreams. Ones that have always proven impossible to prevent. She has finally learned to go about life as usual until she meets Griffin.

With one touch, she sees a death she simply cannot ignore. Not this time. Not when, dying in her arms, he whispers three simple words that change everything.

Even if Quinn can’t change the future, can’t save him, she at least has to try. Even if it means taking the bullet meant for him.

Amazon (The anticipated release date of March isn’t currently listed on Amazon. It’s available for preorder now!)


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 5 – 10, 2020, and our next Twitter Pitch Party on #PitMad is March 5, 2020! Want to know more about #PitMad? Go here

Categories: Interviews