Drawing of an owl wearing goggles


Want to be a mentor in Pitch Wars 2019? Get your applications in! You have from today until the end of day Eastern Time on July 8 to apply.

Mentors are typically agented or published authors or people who have worked in the publishing industry in some capacity (including interns). However, these are not requirements to apply. Literary agents and acquiring editors are not permitted to mentor, due to possible conflicts of interest, but their interns or assistants are encouraged to mentor.

Co-Mentor Teams are required to apply as a team; we do not match up individual mentors into teams.

Please read the instructions carefully before filling out the form, especially if you’re applying with a co-mentor!

Link on site:

Direct link to Google Form:

Categories: Pitch Wars

1 Comment

Meg Eden · July 10, 2019 at 5:59 pm

Ah, just missed it! Just signed up to get an update for next year!

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