Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.
Next up, we have . . .

Teresa, why did you choose Elvin?
While reading Elvin’s submission, I realized there were several places where I could help him hone the manuscript and make it sharper. He has a tight plot and a clear idea of how he wants the story to proceed. This was evident in both the one and three page synopses that he sent to me.
In the first 10,000 words of his manuscript, I found several very nice turns of phrase and the potential to create a strong urban fantasy that brings something fresh to the genre. At times, it felt almost like magical realism. His understanding of style and structure also gave him a leg up on the other entries.
We also discussed a few issues prior to my decision, and Elvin seemed open and responsive to making changes to the manuscript. That was a big plus in his favor, as well.
I’ve enjoyed working with Elvin so far, and I can’t wait to see his revisions.
Elvin, why did you choose to submit to Teresa?
1. Her blog hop post mentioned she’s open to dark urban fantasy which aligned nicely with my manuscript.
2. I saw that she wrote about daimons and angels which also touched on my manuscript’s elements (research your mentors like you would research an agent…it helps!)
Teresa, summarize Elvin’s book in 3 words.
Dark urban fantasy
Elvin, summarize your book in 3 words.
drugs, “demons,” justice
Teresa, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.
Um … here’s something I just discovered myself: I like train rides. I get to meet new people and hear their stories, which are often much more interesting than mine.
Elvin, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?
I’ve already gotten more out of Pitch Wars than I’ve ever expected. It’s been so encouraging meeting fellow mentees; 50% of my activity with them is spent convincing them it’s true when I say, “you got this.” The other 50% is spent listening to them and believing it when they tell me, “you got this.” On top of that, I’m always humbled to think that my mentor owes me zero hours of her time, but she invests in me anyway, and my writing has improved because of it. She’s been so encouraging, reassuring, and challenging all at once. It’s the closest experience I’ve had to being a professional writer yet.
Elvin, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?
I have over 20 years of experience working in advertising, and I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area, where my manuscript takes place. I’ve read a steady diet of contemporary fantasy (Neil Gaiman and David Mitchell are some of my favs), mystery (Gillian Flynn), and speculative fiction (I can read Station Eleven over and over again). My manuscript is a cross between The Girl on the Train with Slade House.
Check out Teresa’s upcoming release, WHERE OBLIVION LIVES!
A lyrical historical fantasy adventure, set in 1932 Spain and Germany, that brings to life the world of the novellas collected in Los Nefilim: Spanish Nephilim battling daimons in a supernatural war to save humankind.
Born of daimon and angel, Diago Alvarez is a being unlike all others. The embodiment of dark and light, he has witnessed the good and the horror of this world and those beyond. In the supernatural war between angels and daimons that will determine humankind’s future, Diago has chosen Los Nefilim, the sons and daughters of angels who possess the power to harness music and light.
As the forces of evil gather, Diago must locate the Key, the special chord that will unite the nefilim’s voices, giving them the power to avert the coming civil war between the Republicans and Franco’s Nationalists. Finding the Key will save Spain from plunging into darkness.
And for Diago, it will resurrect the anguish caused by a tragedy he experienced in a past life.
But someone—or something—is determined to stop Diago in his quest and will use his history to destroy him and the nefilim. Hearing his stolen Stradivarius played through the night, Diago is tormented by nightmares about his past life. Each incarnation strengthens the ties shared by the nefilim, whether those bonds are of love or hate . . . or even betrayal.
To retrieve the violin, Diago must journey into enemy territory . . . and face an old nemesis and a fallen angel bent on revenge.
Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019. If you’re an agent and would like to participate, you must register here: https://pitchwars.org/info-for-agents/.
We hope you’ll join us to support our teams on the Twitter hashtag #PitchWars.