Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Christina Dotson – Mentee


Destiny Cole – Mentor

Website | Twitter

RuthAnne Snow

Ruthanne Snow – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Destiny and Ruthanne, why did you choose Christina?

Christina has such a fun, fresh concept with a unique voice! We loved how twisty the plot was and how much twistier we wanted to urge her to make it. (Mwahaha)

Christina, why did you choose to submit to Destiny and Ruthanne?

I liked the fact that this is a seasoned team–both in Pitch Wars experience and in navigating the literary agency and publishing worlds. I wanted to work with someone who could really dissect my characters and help me breathe new life into them. Even more so, because I’m a pantser and not a plotter, I wanted someone who could reel me back in when my plot ventured too far off the rails. Since characterization and pacing are these ladies’ specialty, it was an easy decision to work with Destiny and Ruthanne.

Destiny and Ruthanne, summarize Christina’s book in 3 words.

Kidnapping gone awry

Christina, summarize your book in 3 words.

Never Underestimate Popularity

Destiny and Ruthanne, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

Destiny: I am equally obsessed with both celebrity gossip and economics. I can tell you which celebrity is dating whom and in the next breath explain why quantitative easing never works the way governments want it to.

Ruthanne: I’m not a great cook but I’m a pretty good baker! Chicken may always come out dry but I can make a pretty decent macaron.

Christina, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I want a tight, solid story. I’ve been a Pitch Wars stalker–I mean fan–for years and I know the benefits this program offers writers. I want to come away from this experience with a better understanding of character development and plot structure for this book and those that follow.

Christina, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I’m a medical social worker and am always inspired by the family and relationship dynamics I witness on a daily basis. I’m fascinated by how easily and unexpectedly relationships can change and how the worst parts of us are always bubbling just below the surface, threatening to spill over. This book explores these dynamics and reveals the consequences of our never-ending pursuit of acceptance, as only a teenage girl could.

Check out Ruthanne’s latest release, WHEN THE TRUTH UNRAVELS…

Paper Towns meets Thirteen Reasons Why­—at prom. A riveting story told through four best friends’ point of view.

Last month, Elin tried to kill herself.

She knows she’s lucky that her parents found her in time. Lucky to be going to prom with her three best friends, like any other teen. Like it never happened. And if she has anything to say about it, no one but her best friends will ever know it did.

Jenna, Rosie, and Ket will do anything to keep Elin’s secret—and to make sure it never happens again. That’s why they’re determined to make prom night feel just like it would have if this past spring hadn’t been as eventful. This could be the night that convinces Elin that life can go back to what it was.

Except, at prom, Elin goes missing.

Now it’s up to her friends to find her. But each of the girls has her own demons to face. Ket is being blackmailed by an ex. Rosie is falling in love for the first time. And Jenna . . .

Jenna is falling apart.

And no one, not even her best friends, knows why.

Heart-wrenching and utterly impossible to put down, When the Truth Unravels follows four friends as they confront their greatest hopes and darkest secrets during one life-changing night.

Before they can work through their issues, LJ is called home by a family emergency. In the centuries-old, raggedly rebuilt streets of New Orleans, he must confront memories of Hurricane Katrina and familiar discrimination. And Andra must decide if she’s brave enough to leave the shelter of the ranch for an uncertain future with LJ.

Available on Amazon


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019. If you’re an agent and would like to participate, you must register here: https://pitchwars.org/info-for-agents/. We hope you’ll join us to support our teams on the Twitter hashtag #PitchWars.


Categories: Interviews