Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Nanci Schwartz– Mentee

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Paris Wynters – Mentor

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Paris, why did you choose Nanci?

I loved the family aspect of her novel and the Rogue One/Firefly feel it had. I also interacted with Nanci and her answers, personality, and interests felt like a perfect fit for me. Plus, her cat is adorable.

Nanci, why did you choose to submit to Paris?

I narrowed my choices down to mentors who expressed an interest in science fiction, specifically space opera. Paris’s wishlist and my manuscript had several things in common: genetics/bio based plotlines, a comparison to Firefly, complex female protagonists, and an adventure component. As far as type of mentor, I was looking for someone who could help with character development, POV choices, voice, and who would give it to me straight–all traits Paris mentioned.

Paris, summarize Nanci’s book in 3 words.

Strong multi-dimensional females

Nanci, summarize your book in 3 words.

lady space supersoldier

Paris, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I’m a huge HALO fan, have two working dogs, and a Masters in Biology. Something about myself I haven’t mentioned yet…I called out sick from work when HALO 5 came out and played it all day, I suffer from hemochromatosis, and I’m a fairly decent archer.

Nanci, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I’ve been writing original fiction since 2012 and querying on and off since 2013. I submitted to Pitch Wars hoping to elevate my work to the next level, and help identify problem areas and how to address them early on in the editing process. Most important, the sense of community these past several weeks has been wonderful, and I see myself staying connected to this mentee class for a long time.

Nanci, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I’m not ashamed to say the manuscript’s big idea started out as a glimmer of a fanfic. Like all good stories, though, it quickly blew up into its own world. It’s also the first manuscript I ever wrote, back in 2012, and has been substantially rewritten at least three times. I’ve written other manuscripts since then, but this story and characters kept pulling me back. In addition to writing and reading, I currently co-host four podcasts.

Check out Paris’s recent release, HEARTS UNLEASHED…

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


The shared love of a retired military dog unexpectedly brings together two PTSD survivors in this heartfelt debut novel by Paris Wynters.

After an IED ends his military career, Major John Rathborne struggles to re-adjust to civilian life. Haunted by the death of his brother-in-arms, John’s determined to find his canine partner, Koda, now retired and re-homed. The last place he expects to find her is on a ranch in Absarokee, Montana, where he lands a foreman job and a chance at a new start.

Unfortunately, ranch manager Katie Locke just wants the new guy gone. She can’t shake the trauma from the night she was attacked, and God knows she doesn’t need some stranger invading her safe haven. She can’t ignore John’s brooding presence, and even her dog shares an uncanny bond with him. But when her father suffers a heart attack, Katie has no option but to put her differences with John aside to save the future of Three Keys Ranch.

As they slowly find a common bond and their attraction heats up, both realize they must heal from their past wounds if they want to explore a relationship. But John hasn’t told Katie about certain parts of his past–including that he and Koda had been partners in Afghanistan. Then he learns someone is out to destroy the ranch, and Katie is in their crosshairs. Has John opened his heart too late?


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019, and our next #PitMad is December 6, 2018!

Categories: Interviews