Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.

First up, we have . . .

Eliza David – Mentee

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Mary Ann Marlowe – Mentor

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Mary Ann, why did you choose Eliza?

The voice in Eliza’s first chapter reeled me in, and I knew I needed to read more. Seriously – from the minute I started reading, I sat up to focus in on what she was delivering. Then I fell in love with her characters. Lamar – the former child star who’s figuring out how to accept himself and break free of his parents’ and the world’s expectations and Gi – the true artist, ready to show Lamar a new world, if he can find the courage. I just saw how great this book could be with a little extra love, and I want to be a part of Eliza’s journey with these characters.

Eliza, why did you choose to submit to Mary Ann?

I think the number one reason I submitted to Mary Ann was her want for diverse romance with a lot of heat. Her Wish list (and all its sexy GIFs) really spoke to the spirit of my writing style. I knew Mary Ann would be able to bring to the table whatever I couldn’t see in my own story and I was absolutely right!

Mary Ann, summarize Eliza’s book in 3 words.

First Love Yourself

Eliza, summarize your book in 3 words.

Emotional, sexy, and witty

Mary Ann, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I’ve been a Pitch Wars mentor for the past 4 years, and I was a mentee in 2014. My Pitch Wars MS was my second, but I was agented with my third. I have two books out with Kensington, a third scheduled for release in July 2019, and one I’m currently writing on proposal. You may or may not already know that I have an addiction to Reggaeton. It was a glorious day when my Spotify Discover Weekly playlist switched entirely to Latin music. The weird thing is, I can’t even write anymore to any other music.

Eliza, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

My main goal is to give Lamar the story he deserves. I know my story is good but the work I’m doing and will continue to do in Pitch Wars with Mary Ann by my side will make the story great!

Eliza, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I’m a self-pubbed author of eleven contemporary romance novels, living in Iowa City by way of the Southside of Chicago. I enjoy spending time with my hubby and our two kids, reading Jackie Collins throwbacks, and dabbling in all types of divination. What makes my story special? Well, my comps are the movies MOONLIGHT + LOVE JONES. It’s a story of celebrity, mental health, culture, and broken promises. It’s my baby!

Check out Mary Ann’s recent release, A CRAZY KIND OF LOVE …

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Celebrities hold zero interest for photographer Jo Wilder. That’s a problem, since snapping pics of the stars is how the pretty paparazza pays the rent. So when Jo attempts to catch a money shot atop the broad shoulders of a helpful bystander, the only thing she notices about the stranger she straddles is that he’s seriously hot. Only later does Jo learn that he’s also Micah Sinclair–one of rock’s notorious bad boys…

Soon Jo is on the verge of getting fired for missing a Micah Sinclair exclusive. Until she’s suddenly being pursued by the heartthrob himself.  But how can she be sure the musician’s mind-blowing kisses are the real deal? Her colleagues claim he’s a media whore, gambling on some free PR. But something has Jo hoping Micah’s feeling the same powerful pull that she does. A pull so strong, she can’t resist becoming his latest love, even if it means she might become the media’s latest victim . . .

Heartfelt, flirty and full of sizzle, this romance between a charming rock star and a half-hearted paparazza is the perfect romantic comedy.” 
RT Book Reviews
“Another sizzling, glitterati-filled story.”


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019, and our next #PitMad is December 6, 2018!

Categories: Interviews

1 Comment

SNEAK PEEK: Pink Panties - Eliza David, Lady Writer · January 26, 2019 at 5:59 pm

[…] rolled into 2019 with Pitch Wars on the brain and gearing up for my first time in the Smut Marathon. It seems like I’m always […]

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