Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase starting on February 6, 2019, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2018 Pitch Wars Teams.

Next up, we have . . .

Sarah Partipilo

Sarah Partipilo – Mentee


Alexa Martin

Alexa Martin – Mentor

Website | Twitter

Suzanne Park – Mentor

Website | Twitter


Alexa and Suzanne, why did you choose Sarah?

Alexa: I loved her voice so much! Her story was laugh out loud funny, but also made me cry. She made me feel all of the emotions. As a mom, I related to her story so hard and I just couldn’t put it down.

Suzanne: We tried to be like the show “THE VOICE” by jumping into the manuscript pages and not looking anyone up on social media. By going on just the writing alone, we could tell a lot about Sarah: she had a killer voice, she was hilarious, and could really tell a compelling story. In short, she wowed us.

Sarah, why did you choose to submit to Alexa and Suzanne?

After reading Alexa and Suzanne’s Wishlist’s the heavens opened, the stars aligned, and angels sang. I swear their “wants” perfectly aligned with my manuscript, right down to the comps. Beyond that, these ladies seemed so fun/funny, extremely knowledgeable, and are mom’s themselves. I had my fingers and toes crossed for a chance to work with them!

Alexa and Suzanne, summarize Sarah’s book in 3 words.

Alexa: HIlarious mom realness.

Suzanne: Relatable mom disasters.

Sarah, summarize your book in 3 words.

Moming ain’t easy

Alexa and Suzanne, tell us about yourselves. Something we may not already know.

Alexa: I have a lot of hobbies. One of my favorite things to do is bedazzle anything that a crystal can go on. I even bedazzled my daughter’s first Halloween costume… which was a banana. If you read my books, there is always a character who loves glitter.

Suzanne: Back when I lived in Tennessee, I used to live 3 houses down from Garth Brooks (he moved into our suburban neighborhood because it was quiet and isolated). When he relocated to Oklahoma, he wanted to convert his house into a Garth Brooks homage wax museum. Us neighbors went into an uproar, as you can imagine.

Sarah, what do you hope to get out of the Pitch Wars experience?

I want to grow as a writer, soak in as much knowledge as I can from my amazing mentors, and network with people within the Pitch Wars Community.

Sarah, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your manuscript unique?

I lost my mother to Pancreatic Cancer on December 2nd, 2016 and this manuscript is loosely based on that life-altering experience. I promised my mom I would continue to bring awareness to Pancreatic Cancer and my hope is through this amazing opportunity I will be able to do that in her memory. I’m also a single mom to two amazing kids and when I’m not writing or dishing out snacks, you can find me somewhere in Target.


Check out Alexa’s recent release, INTERCEPTED …


Marlee thought she scored the man of her dreams only to be scorched by a bad breakup. But there’s a new player on the horizon, and he’s in a league of his own…

Marlee Harper is the perfect girlfriend. She’s definitely had enough practice by dating her NFL-star boyfriend for the last ten years. But when she discovers he has been tackling other women on the sly, she vows to never date an athlete again. There’s just one problem: Gavin Pope, the new hotshot quarterback and a fling from the past, has Marlee in his sights.

Gavin fights to show Marlee he’s nothing like her ex. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to let her escape her past. The team’s wives, who never led the welcome wagon, are not happy with Marlee’s return. They have only one thing on their minds: taking her down. But when the gossip makes Marlee public enemy number one, she worries about more than just her reputation.

Between their own fumbles and the wicked wives, it will take a Hail Mary for Marlee and Gavin’s relationship to survive the season.


Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is February 6 – 11, 2019, and our next #PitMad is December 6, 2018!

Categories: Interviews