UPDATE: You did it, Pitch Wars! You raised our entire annual budget in less than 12 hours yesterday! Thank you so much!!

Pitch Wars is a mentoring organization where established writers and publishing professionals help emerging writers edit their book and prepare for publishing success. You can take a look around this website to find out more about what we do.

We’re now asking those in our wonderful community (who are able to give) to offer their financial support to keep Pitch Wars going strong! We are conducting our fundraising drive this year via GoFundMe, so that funds raised can be visible to all.

Please click here to donate.

All of our mentors and leadership are unpaid volunteers and we seek out every opportunity to reduce costs, but some financial needs are unavoidable due to the size of our Pitch Wars community. This money is for server costs, non-profit registration fees, professional contractors (people with specialized skills when we can’t find volunteers), and miscellaneous fees and taxes.

Our predicted need for 2018 is $3000. There is a chance that we won’t have immediate need for all the funds we raise at this time. In this case, they will be kept secure until the need arises. Any additional and unused funds will go toward additional programming and running future Pitch Wars events, i.e. providing value to emerging writers.

Your donation allows us to:

  • Keep the www.pitchwars.org website online as a resource for all Pitch Wars participants and emerging writers
  • Upgrade servers so the website (*crosses fingers*) does not crash at high-traffic times, such as the submission period
  • Register as a non-profit and pay all associated fees (the lawyer is donating her time, but there are still government fees to be paid)
  • Potentially expand our programming
  • Keep Pitch Wars free to all who want to participate

We (the current leadership) are in agreement that we will never charge an entry fee, but if our fundraising goals aren’t met, we may need to scale down the event and will definitely not be able to expand on our programming.

We greatly appreciate your donation and promise to do our absolute best to be good stewards of your money and your trust. Thank you so much for your support and your continued contributions to the Pitch Wars community.

Please click here to donate.

We are in the process of becoming a non-profit, so donations are not currently tax deductible.

On Extra Picks for a Donation

The committed has decided to discontinue the practice of offering extra picks for a donation for the 2018 event. We desire to give all applicants as even a playing field as we’re able to. We also don’t want to add to the burden of our 2018 mentors, who will already be receiving more entries per mentor than ever before.

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