2021 Pitch Wars Mentor applications are now closed. To receive an email when the 2022 mentor applications open, fill out the form below.

As a Pitch Wars mentor, you will sort through submissions that are typical of publishing submission materials, then choose one author from those submissions to mentor. The number of submissions per mentor can vary from 25 to 300+, depending on category, genre, and wishlist. You’re encouraged to ask applicants for additional material or information in order to help you make your decision.

During the mentoring period, you will guide your mentee through a full edit on their manuscript, query, and short pitch. You must read the manuscript again after the mentee has revised before submitting for the Agent Showcase. Most mentors also provide support and guidance on navigating the publishing industry. You are welcome to do more work with your mentee, but these are the basic requirements.

With that being said, the basic requirements are still a lot of work, so please do not commit to mentoring lightly.

Mentors are typically agented or published authors or people who have worked in the publishing industry in some capacity (including interns). However, these are not requirements to apply. Literary agents and acquiring editors are not permitted to mentor, due to possible conflicts of interest, but their interns or assistants are encouraged to mentor.

Co-Mentor Teams are required to apply as a team; we do not match up individual mentors into teams.

If you have questions, you can reach us via email or Twitter DM.

Categories: Pitch WarsTop Posts


Carol Coven Grannick · June 1, 2020 at 11:01 am

Thanks for the opportunity to request an application to be a mentor. I look forward to the time when you will be considering new applications.

Stay safe and well,

Carol Coven Grannick

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