Manuscript Status: 1 Month Delivery

Mentor Name: Michella Domenici

Mentee Name: Molly Kasperek


Category: Young Adult

Genre: Contemporary

Word Count: 75,000


17yo Carter loves golf more than drumming… probably. With no girls’ golf team at her new school, she joins the boys’, eager for an athletic scholarship. But when Carter’s musical ex returns, she must decide if her new team—and adorable co-captain—has her heart, or if music lives in her veins.


Every golf course I’d ever been to—and there had been a lot—was exactly the same. Grass so green it looked fake, a driving range ringed with netting that stretched into the sky, and golf carts that ran just a little slower than anticipated. Oh, and a hell of a lot of preppy guys.

My golf bag bounced against my back, but I was used to the weight. The gravel path was like my own personal gray carpet welcoming me to Lake Shore High’s varsity tryouts. The sun was too bright; I’d be drenched in sweat before hitting a single ball.

I squeezed between a few lanky boys clustered on the walkway to the clubhouse, careful not to hit them with my bag. The oblivious idiots didn’t bother to make room for me, but continued debating which was better: Marvel or DC. Marvel, obviously. I should have let my bag hit them.

No, they didn’t matter. What mattered was kicking ass and making the golf team at my new school. Nerves trickled down my spine and left me rocking on my heels as I searched for the girls that would be my teammates. I couldn’t wait to meet them and impress our coach with my skill.

But wait… my stomach clenched, gaze scanning the crowd of polo shirts. I settled back on my feet, realizing something was wrong.

There weren’t any other girls around.


Categories: PW Entries