Manuscript Status: Finished

Mentor Name: Kelly Ann Hopkins

Mentee Name: Erin Gunti


Category: Young Adult

Genre:  Magical Realism

Word Count: 68,000


When seventeen-year-old Jaxson wakes from a coma convinced he spent four days fighting to survive in a magical place called Flip Island, he questions his sanity. But Jaxson is certain Flip Island is home to a teenaged serial killer, intent on destroying his teen captives. Jaxson risks a medically induced coma to find his way back to the island and save the others before they become the next victims.


Jaxson Skelly shoved his way through the rank crowd of sweaty bodies in the parking lot at Ivy Creek Park, his black gym bag slung over his shoulder, his left shoelace dragging the ground.  

How did that happen? HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?

Scowling, he stared straight ahead, eyes focused on the yellow Sevier County school bus, the engine already humming. Good. The faster I get out of here, the better.

He stretched his neck, bending left then right, trying to shake the tight spasm at the base of his skull.

“So sorry, Jaxson.” One of the junior varsity cross country runners stepped into view, her eyes full of hero worship and despair.

“It was a tough race,” another fragile voice echoed.

“Yeah, whatever.” Jaxson snorted. No, it wasn’t. He had the lead. He had the win and then…

Damn. The last thing he needed was his teammates gossiping about his loss.

He shook his head trying to empty the memory of his epic face plant as he stomped up the treaded steps of the bus and proceeded straight to the back, throwing his gym bag on the last seat. Ripping off his sticky SCHS Cross Country tank top, he wadded it into a smelly ball before fumbling in his bag for his favorite navy blue T-shirt. With a weary sigh, he slipped the dry shirt over his head.


Categories: PW Entries