Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase on November 1st-7th, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2017 Pitch Wars Teams.

And now, we have . . .

Lorraine Goddard – Mentee

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Rhiannon Hart – Mentor

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Lorraine, why did you choose to submit to Rhiannon?

As soon as I read Rhiannon’s wishlist, I put her name at the top of my nerdy-spreadsheet-o’-subs. My story ticked so many of her boxes—I had a lush setting, an unusual main character, plenty of history, a bit of fairy tale inspiration, and a scene-stealing villain. The phrase that called to me the most was “Historical settings combined with SFF? Yes please.” How could I say no to “yes please?”

In addition to writing a wishlist tailor-made for my story, Rhiannon’s skill set matched well with my needs as a writer. She has both writing and editorial experience, and promised to work on “big picture issues: characterization, structure, plot development and voice.” I’ve done academic writing for years, but am relatively new to writing fiction, so her expertise was exactly what I needed!

Rhiannon, why did you choose Lorraine?

Lorraine’s beautiful, lively voice captured my attention right away and the Silk Road setting, magic and romance sealed the deal!

Lorraine, summarize your book in 3 words.

Firebrand, sorceress, hero.

Rhiannon, summarize ’s book(s) in 3 words.

Magical strife awaits

Lorraine, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your MS unique?

I am a college developmental writing instructor and incorrigible maker-of-things, including vegetable gardens, clothes, complicated recipes, and two small children.

This story was inspired by my amazing students and my love of history. As a teacher of immigrants, I spend every day with remarkable people who will probably never write a novel, but who have amazing stories to tell. Students come into my classroom from the far corners of the globe, and I’d love to be able to give them a book that reflects their strength and daring. My main character takes desperate circumstances and rises above them to gain personal power and success, just like the young women I admire so much in my classes.

My MS is set in a fascinating and obscure historical moment, the Central Asian Silk Road at the end of the calamitous 14th century. It’s a time and place where peasants became emperors, anything (or anyone) could be bought for a price, and a sixteen-year-old girl with elemental magic could have done very well for herself, if she could learn to control her temper!

Rhiannon, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

I’m always ready to fall in love with a new book boyfriend, and I do a lot of gaming (but if you follow me on Twitter you probably know both of those things!)

And next, we have . . .

Molly Kasperek – Mentee

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Michella Domenici – Mentor

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Molly, why did you choose to submit to Michella?

I had an incredible lapse in judgment and will be kicking myself for ages because I didn’t actually submit to Michella. I know! I can’t believe it, especially since when we did start talking it was so apparent to me that she was the right mentor for me and my ms. My strategy in picking mentors really came down to their wish lists and I subbed pretty exclusively to those who listed sports stories. But I should have gone with my gut! Michella had been on my radar and checked off pretty much other wish list box. So when she reached out asking if I’d want her as my mentor I said yes, absolutely! I’m so thrilled it worked out.

Michella, why did you choose Molly?

I loved the voice of Molly’s manuscript. It grabbed me from the very first page, and the moment I finished the chapter I knew I had to have this. Plus, the premise (girl joins boys’ golf team!!) was SO appealing and seemed like a great project to spend the PW revision period with.

Molly, summarize your book in 3 words.

Golf. Rivalry. Kissing.

Michella, summarize ’s book(s) in 3 words.

KISSING. Shenanigans. Inclusive. (You thought I was gonna say golf, right? HA.)

Molly, tell us about yourself! What makes you and your MS unique?

I know there are a few ‘girl plays on the boy’s team’ sports stories in existence, but it seems like most of them are girls playing contact sports. Or something a little more energetic than golf. But those sports have such different dynamics. I played on my high school golf team for all four years and it was the weirdest family I’ve ever been part of. It’s probably the closest to having sisters I’ll ever get because not everyone got along but we were stuck together ALL THE TIME. During one tournament we played against a girl who had to compete on her school’s boys team and that never really left my head. I really wanted to explore what that would be like, especially if you threw in a rivalry and some hate-to-love romance. Also, golf gets kind of a bum rap and hopefully this shows the more fun side of the game.

Michella, tell us about yourself. Something we may not already know.

My deepest dream is to host The Amazing Race.

Our mentors’ latest releases…

Blood Queen: The Third Book of Lharmell by [Hart, Rhiannon]Blood Queen: The Third Book of Lharmell by Rhiannon Hart


After losing Rodden at the last Turning, Zeraphina is alone. Or she would be, if her mother and Prince Folsum would just leave her in peace. The prince, blind in one eye after an attack by Zeraphina’s brant, has taken up residence in her home and is insisting she marry him. When an accident befalls him, Zeraphina flees – straight into the arms of a waiting harming.

Now a captive, she discovers she’s being taken to Lharmell. But not to be executed. To be crowned queen. The identity of the one who has given the orders is shrouded in mystery, and Zeraphina can’t help but be suspicious. After everything she’s done the Lharmellins should want her dead. Zeraphina can’t tell if her captor is telling the truth. And just who is awaiting her in Lharmell?

•About the Author: Rhiannon Hart is the author of three books for young adults in the Lharmell series. When she’s not reading she loves to travel, visit old houses and castles and watch frock dramas. She has trespassed in order to pat other people’s cats. Rhiannon is an Australian writer living in London.

Thank you for supporting our Pitch Wars Teams! The Agent Showcase is November 1st-7th, and our next #PitMad is December 7, 2017!







