

Pitch Wars Webinars Presents…

The second of two special small group educational series….

Rejection Correction: Why am I getting rejected?

Rejection Correction is a week-long, online workshop held inside a secret Facebook group and led by author and Literary Agency PR Manager/Associate Agent, Colleen Oefelein (author CM McCoy). Participants will focus on the first page and the routine pitfalls that make an agent stop reading. Colleen will discuss the common reasons agents and editors reject, and then examine the way forward after rejection, whether it’s tweaking the project or seeking alternate agents to query. She will discuss how rejection language translates into real-life, optional manuscript tweaks to address the rejection feedback. This workshop will help you to identify feedback you can use to improve your MS as opposed to feedback that is too vague to be of use, or rejection language that simply suggests the author should seek an alternate champion for their project. Colleen may also cover cliches, telling vs showing, deep point of view, naming emotions, filtering, engine-cranking, cart-before-the-horse, logic, and the basic elements of a “magnetic” first page. Participants have an opportunity to share their query plus first page and receive personal feedback from Colleen and the other participants.


**Note — This workshop is a critique, not an evaluation of the author’s work, and the author’s work will not be considered for representation through this workshop.**


The Details . . .

When: The program will be self-paced during the week of June 10-17 and is expected to take about five hours.

What: Participants should bring their query, first page, and their rejections (if they have any), both the vague and the concrete.

Cost: $50

Please note: Registration is limited to the first FIFTEEN (15) participants.

This webinar is now putting names on a wait-list until all the current registrants have paid. Please, fill out the form to be put on the waiting list but DO NOT PAY until you are contacted via email.

About Colleen Oefelein.. . .

CM_McCoy_aka_Colleen_OefeleinBioColleen Oefelein (author CM McCoy) has one pointed ear, a 70-pound puppy from Hell, and a very active imagination. She’s well aware nobody can say or spell her real last name, hence the pen name. You can call her Colleen. She’s a retired Air Force officer, an author, a blogger, and the PR manager for Inklings Literary Agency, where she’s also an agent assistant. When she’s not chatting with her imaginary friends, she’s either stuck in a book or interviewing with PEOPLE Magazine, ABC’s 20/20, the local morning news show, or INSIDE EDITION, where she promotes writing for mental and emotional health. She also mentors pre-published authors through workshops and contests and runs Totem Head’s Annual Free Writing Contest for Kids, now in its eighth year. Though she holds a BS in both Chemical Engineering and German, she’s far happier writing near misses and awkward kisses. Some of her off-the-wall talents include speaking in 10-codes (which she learned working 911-dispatch for Alaska State Troopers), flying helicopters, and Irish dance.

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This webinar is now putting names on a wait-list until all the current registrants have paid. Please, fill out the form to be put on the waiting list but DO NOT PAY until you are contacted via email.

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(You don’t need a Paypal account to donate. Just go to the bottom and you can use a credit card.)


About Pitch Wars Webinars . . .

The Pitch Wars webinar series was developed to help writers at every stage of their careers. Mentors and industry experts will host webinars focused on pitching, publishing, developing craft, and more.

Pitch Wars is a contest where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each, read their entire manuscript, and offer suggestions to shine it up for agents. The mentors work with their mentees for two months before an agent round. Learn more.

Categories: Webinars


Yolonda Sweitzer · June 2, 2017 at 6:51 pm

Has anyone else who is registered for this webinar gotten the email with the information to join the Facebook group? I received my confirmation email, but nothing since. Just wondering if anyone else has heard anything.

    cmmccoy · June 5, 2017 at 10:30 am

    I haven’t received the list of participants yet, and so I haven’t added anyone <3 I think they'll send me the info soon. When they do, I'll contact each of you to "friend" me on Facebook so that I can add you to the workshop group. Can't wait!! 😀

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