
Writers for Hope

Bid on query critiques, page critiques, and all kinds of writerly things to benefit RAINN on the Writers for Hope Auction website.

Important things to know about this event:

  • Through this fundraiser you can bid on writing work critiques, consultation calls, signed books, signed CDs and book-related accessories and experiences.

  • 100% of the money raised by this event goes directly to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), the United States’ largest anti-sexual assault organization. 

  • Every single-donor auction item has a starting bid of $10 – the amount of money it costs RAINN to help one survivor through the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE).

This event began in 2014 and is held every April in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Each year, members of the publishing world – editors, agents, and published and/or agented authors contribute their time and resources to raise money to combat sexual assault. Donations include work critiques (ranging from queries to FULL manuscripts), consultation calls or Skype sessions, and signed books.

100% of the money raised by this event goes directly to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), the United States’ largest anti-sexual assault organization. 


Current figures suggest that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will become a victim of sexual assault in their lifetime. In March of 2010, I became one of the 1s in 6.

While still not a day goes by without me thinking about that horrible morning, at least in passing, I am very happy to say that when these dark thoughts come up, they are chased by countless bright ones. In the days, months and years that have followed, I have consistently been reminded that the good outweighs the bad in the world – and by a pretty impressive margin. 

Over the past two years, I have been fortunate enough to see this good in action. The response to the six fundraisers I’ve done has been overwhelming – we’ve raised over $35,000, ensuring that over 3500 survivors have access to the help they need. Equally stunning is the number of people who frequently ask me when the next one will be. Who seek me out so that they can give of their time, resources, and hearts.

Thanks to the never ending support that I have received from all of you, I am happy to announce that the next fundraiser will be the 4th Annual Writers for Hope Auction on April 3, 2017! 

I’ll be posting updates here, on my RAINNmaker fundraising page, and on Twitter- check out @KF_Johnson or #WritersForHope

In the meantime, if you have one of those Magic Pants Money days – you know, one of those great days when you find money you’d forgotten about in your pocket – and you’re looking for something to do with said Magic Pants Money – donations can be made here at any time in any amount. 

Just $10 will help one survivor to take the first step toward reclaiming their life.

Let me reiterate something I’ve mentioned during past fundraisers – RAINN is one of those forces for good in the world that has been so helpful to my recovery, as well as to that of so many others. As the nation’s leader in the fight against sexual assault, they’ve helped over 1.6 million survivors through the National Sexual Assault Hotlines. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. 

With your help, we will keep making a tremendous impact.

And finally, thank you. Thank you for all you have done to help over the past years and everything you will do in the future. Thank you for constantly reaffirming the good.

Warmest regards, 

Kelly Johnson

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