PW Interviews

Our mentors are editing, our mentees are revising, and we hope you’re making progress on your own manuscript! While we’re all working toward the Agent Showcase on November 3rd-9th, we hope you’ll take a moment during your writing breaks and get to know our 2016 Pitch Wars Teams.

And now, we have . . . 

Allison Castle

Allison Castle – Mentee

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Kate Karyus Quinn – Mentor

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Demitria Lunetta – Co-Mentor

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Allison: Why did you choose Demitria and Kate?

Choosing mentors can be a daunting task because there’s so much awesome to pick from. Aside from looking for my genre, Kate and Demitria both have great credentials, with several published books under their belt, so I knew they know their stuff. Their wish-lists got me excited and intimidated at the same time, so I knew I had to try my hand with them!

Mentors: Why did you choose Allison’s manuscript?

Demitria: I LOVE video games and the idea of telling a story from the point of view of game character hooked me, then Allison’s writing reeled me in. 🙂

Kate: I love any story with a clever twist and this had one in the first chapter which immediately grabbed me. Add to that a story that deals with big existential questions like what makes a person a person and what is real. Well basically I just fell in love.

Allison: Summarize your book in three words.

Game character betrayed.

Mentors: Summarize Allison’s book in three words.

Demitria: Existential virtual assassin.

Kate: Um maybe, MATRIX meets BLADE RUNNER? (Obviously I’m counting BLADE RUNNER as one word).

Allison: Tell us about yourself. What makes you and your MS unique?

I live in Vancouver, BC, and work at a digital effects studio by day, working on TV shows like “Zoo” and “The Magicians.” I’m also an identical twin, though my sister doesn’t write at all. Hopefully my MS is far more interesting than me! It’s set inside a virtual reality game and is told from the perspective of a Non-Player-Character who’s convinced she’s real.

Mentors: Tell us about yourself. Something we might not already know.

Demitria: My favorite video game is Pikmin. I once called off “sick” from work so I could finish it without stopping. I actually bought the WiiU specifically to play Pikmin 3. I have a problem.

Kate: I really DON’T like video games. I’ve never won one and don’t really care enough to try. I do however enjoy a good time wasting smartphone game like Candy Crush or Bubble Witch.

Check out Kate Karyus Quinn’s latest book . . .