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Today we have the winners of the editing prizes donated by some of our amazing Pitch Wars mentors. Thank you everyone for entering Pitch Wars and thank you to those who donated. We’re excited for next year and all the wonderful changes coming next year.

A few things first. We have some amazing giveaways for those of you who didn’t make it into the mentoring round. Here they are …

Cornerstones Literary Consultancy is offering an amazing giveaway and you can check it out here. You don’t want to miss this one!

Cornerstones Logo

Cornerstones UK | Cornerstones US | Twitter | Blog


Author Accelerator is offering a giveaway and you can check what they are offering here. It’s amazing so you want to enter!

Author Accelerator Website

We had some of our wonderful mentors donate editing prizes for everyone who entered and donated to Pitch Wars.  I will draw winners soon. But if you wanted to check out what the prizes were, go to this post here.

ProWritingAid For everyone who entered Pitch Wars but didn’t get a mentee spot, they’re giving a discount of 25% off the Premium version. Use voucher code PITCHWARS. If you don’t want to purchase it, the online editor is pretty comprehensive and completely free to use.

Check it out here …

Prowriting AidProWritingAid



And here are the editing prize winners …

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Chimera Editing

From Jami Nord: a Big Picture critique. WINNER: Elizabeth Leis Newman

And Chimera Editing is offering a $30 off a Big Picture critique for anyone entering Pitch Wars.


Rebecca Sky

From Rebecca Sky (website): A brand consultation and logo package.

Winner: Carlson Heath


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Raulerson Editorial

From Natasha Raulerson: A query and first three chapter critique of a YA, NA, or Adult manuscript edit.

WINNER: Meagan Dallner


downward gaze

From Freelance Editor (website),  Joy McCullough: A query and three chapters of MG or YA manuscript edit.

WINNER: John Berkowitz & Melissa Berkowitz



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Wild Things Editing from editors …

Kim GraffFrom Kim Graff: A query, 1-to-2 page synopsis, and first 2,500 words edit.WINNER: Megan McDonnell

Amy TruebloodFrom Amy Trueblood: A query, 1-to-2 page synopsis, and first 2,500 words edit. WINNER: Angela Larson

Megan LallyFrom Megan Lally: A query, 1-to-2 page synopsis, and first 2,500 words edit. WINNER: Madison Lessard


Cat Scully

From Cat Scully with Cornerstones Literary Consultancy US: A query, synopsis, and three chapters edit. WINNER: Leila Oicles


editing ad for PitchWars

Jen Malone edits

Jen Malone From Jen Malone: A query and first 20 pages of manuscript edit.

WINNER: Kristi Mahoney



Kate Foster Professional Editing Services

Kate FosterFrom Kate Foster: A three chapter edit.

WINNER: Lisa M. Gold


Copper Lantern for Brenda_Kit Frick

Copper Lantern Studio Editorial Services

Kit Frick From Kit Frick: A query letter and synopsis critique. WINNER: Lisa Manterfield



Author Accelerator

From Jenny Nash: A query and first chapter critique.

WINNER: Kelly Arnold



From Dionne McCulloch with Cornerstones Literary Consultancy US : A line edit of first 3 chapters of manuscript. WINNER: Parker Olivia Davis


From Freelance Editor (website) and Entangled Publishing intern, Ashley Hearn: A query, synopsis, and first chapter critique.

WINNER: Christina Morgan


Lynnette - Shorter Ad

Labelle’s Editorial Services

Lynnette Labelle From Lynnette Labelle: A mini manuscript evaluation report based off the first 100 pages of a manuscript in one of the following genres in adult or YA: contemporary romance, romantic suspense, romantic thriller, romantic comedy, psychological thriller, fantasy, urban fantasy, and dystopian.

WINNER: Mansoor Syed



From Freelance Editor (website), Trisha Leaver: A submission package: Query, Synopsis and First 10 pages critique. WINNER: Andrew Neil


Lori Goldstein

From Freelance Editor (website), Lori Goldstein: A query, synopsis, and first page critique. WINNER: Kyra Palmer


Lauren Spieller

From Freelance Editor (website), Lauren Spieller: A synopsis critique. WINNER: Raimey Gallant


Kelly Ann Hopkins (3)

Kelly Ann Hopkins From Freelance Editor (website), Kelly Ann Hopkins: A query, synopsis, and first ten pages of manuscript critique. WINNER: Elizabeth Carter Roth



From Freelance Editor (website), McKelle George: A query and first three chapters of manuscript critique. WINNER: Christopher Holliday






Categories: Pitch Wars


John Berkowits · August 25, 2016 at 1:25 pm

Thank you, Joy! Thank you, Brenda!
Can’t wait!

    John Berkowitz · August 25, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    See how much help I need? I spelled my own name wrong.

      George · August 26, 2016 at 3:57 am

      I ddn’t evn notise.

George · August 26, 2016 at 3:56 am

Terrific that you put this together, Brenda. Congrats to all of the winners!

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