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Jennie Nash

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Jennie Nash is an author and book coach, whose clients regularly land top New York agents and book deals with houses such as Scribner, Simon & Schuster, Hazeldon, and Ten Speed. Jennie is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of Author Accelerator, which offers customized book coaching for determined writers. Visit her at and


The Writer’s Guide to Agony and Defeat: The 43 Worst Moments in the Writing Life and How to Get Over Them

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The enlightenment gurus say that you should “feel what you feel” and this book is designed to help you feel the gut-wrenching misery of the writing life – and then get over it.

Book coach and author Jennie Nash takes you inside the 43 worst moments writers face – from realizing you’ve spent three years on a book that is still falling flat to hearing one more agent say she “just isn’t in love with it.” Nash then shows you the strategies and tactics you need to move forward and write what you need to write.

“Jennie Nash is my guru– when she talks, I listen, take notes, and stick stickies all over my laptop. Here is yet more proof of her down-to-earth you-can-instantly-use- it brilliance!” — Lisa Cron, author of Wired for Story and Story Genius

1 Comment

Raimey Gallant · August 15, 2016 at 11:00 pm

This book sounds fabulous!

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