
Want to win a signed copy of Chameleon by K.T. Hanna? Find out why Kirkus Reviews says, “Debut author Hanna takes familiar sci-fi genre elements…and spins dystopian gold.” This series by our own Pitch Wars mentor, K.T. Hanna, is amazing!

Just by being a subscriber of my newsletter you’re entered to win the drawing for books and/or swag each month. February’s book is a signed copy of Chameleon by K.T. Hanna along with swag: a beautiful postcard with the cover art, a sticker, and a bookmark.

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Here’s the information about the books …

CHAMELEON Domino Project Front with Text 2“Debut author Hanna takes familiar sci-fi genre elements…and spins dystopian gold.” Kirkus Reviews


When Sai’s newly awoken psionic powers accidentally destroy her apartment complex, she’s thrown into an intensive training program. Her only options are pass or die.

Surviving means proving her continued existence isn’t a mistake–a task her new mentor, Bastian, takes personally. Her abilities place her in the GNW Enforcer division, and partners her with Domino 12, who is eerily human for an alien-parasite psionic hybrid.

After eliminating an Exiled scientist, she discovers nothing is what it seems. With each mission more perilous, Sai must figure out who to trust before her next assignment becomes her last.


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Watermark Books

Hybrid, book two in the The Domino Project series is available now, and book three, Parasite, releases February 22, 2016.

Find it here.

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Find it here.

About the author: 

KT Hanna has a love for words so extreme, a single word can spark entire worlds.Born in Australia, she met her husband in a computer game, moved to the U.S.A. and went into culture shock. Bonus? Not as many creatures specifically out to kill you.When she’s not writing, she freelance edits for Chimera Editing, and chases her daughter, husband, corgi, and cat. No, she doesn’t sleep. She is entirely powered by the number 2, caffeine, and beef jerky.Note: Still searching for her Tardis.


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