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About the Book

by Wendy Spinale
Release date: April 26, 2016
Publisher: Scholastic

London has been destroyed in a blitz of bombs and disease. The only ones who have survived are children, among them Gwen Darling and her siblings, Joanna and Mikey. They spend their nights scavenging and their days avoiding the ruthless Marauders — the German army led by Captain Hanz Otto Oswald Kretschmer.

Unsure if the virus has spread past England’s borders but desperate to leave, Captain Hook hunts for a cure, which he thinks can be found in one of the survivors. He and his Marauders stalk the streets snatching children for experimentation. None ever return. Until the day they grab Joanna. As Gwen sets out to save her, she meets a daredevil boy named Pete. Pete offers the assistance of his gang of Lost Boys and the fierce sharpshooter Bella, who have all been living in a city hidden underground. But in a place where help has a steep price and every promise is bound by blood, it will cost Gwen. And are she, Pete, the Lost Boys, and Bella enough to outsmart Captain Hook?




About the Author

Wendy Spinale is a former Disneyland actress and is familiar with the world of make-believe. She resides in California with her husbands and three sons.

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Categories: Books


E.G. Moore · October 8, 2015 at 9:12 pm

I’m not a huge peter pan fan, but this cover has my curiosity peaked! I’m adding it to my goodreads and entering the contest. Best of luck and congrats to Wendy!

E.G. Moore · October 8, 2015 at 9:19 pm

I’m not a very big peter pan fan, but between the elegant and interesting cover and the amazing synopsis, I’m intrigued. The legend of peter pan has been really flip flopped, and the idea that has all the major players in a totally reinvented plot is really interesting to me. Looking forward to reading it one way or another. Congrats Wendy!

Yvie · October 9, 2015 at 1:37 am

I absolutely LOVE Peter Pan in all its variations and so do my kids. Very much looking forward to this book being released!

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