Christmas card with hot cup of cappuccino,  cinnamon sticks and christmas tree branch isolated,

Depression, Escapism, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This writing journey is a painful one and not for the faint of heart. As writers, there are a lot of things stacked against us. We spend hours alone with our thoughts and 95% of the feedback we get is rejection–often generic. Not to mention many of us who pursue the writing life start out with scars. As a result, self-doubt and writing go hand in hand, like besties embarking on a long, dark journey.
Amy 1 Every writer has their low points and we’ve all found ways of coping. If you find it’s too hard for you, please get help. Don’t wait. Depression is a dick, so don’t let it win. Here’s one of many places you can go for help:

That being said, sometimes we just need a little time and escapism…

My publishing story isn’t an easy one. I’m not the writer who found an agent quickly and signed a book deal the next day. Finding my agent and publisher took time, patience, and perseverance—but that’s another story (

It was the middle of a particularly hard midwestern winter (yar, I remember it well, the winter of ’14) and my manuscript had already been on submission for seven months. Rejections had trickled in, most with positive feedback, but all ended in the “not right for our list” rejection. But I was still upbeat because my “dream publishers” hadn’t responded yet—hope still existed.

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Dream publishers, you ask? You know how we all dream about where our book would be a natural fit? I had two houses I thought were ideal. I envisioned my book snuggled into their lists, a perfect match. Part of me was confident one of these publishers would snatch me up, so when the kind email arrived from my agent telling me both had rejected my manuscript, I thought Big Foot had taken her long, gnarly nails and tore out my heart.

I don’t cry a lot (other than at commercials – why must they toy with my emotions), but after that email, I crawled into bed for the rest of the day and wept, pulling it together long enough to parent my littles. All my dreams of publishing glory had burned to the ground—or at least it felt that way.

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For the next six weeks I wallowed. As comfort, I started binge watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I had never watched either series before, but I’m a huge Whedon fan and it provided the necessary distraction. I watched 8-10 episodes a day. I didn’t do much housework, I ate a lot of Cheetos, and I stayed off social media.
On a good day, I showered. Good days were rare.

I was depressed that my publishing journey had stalled, so I ignored everything pertaining to writing as well as most of my life. Then I was angry at myself for wallowing. I should be stronger, be better, but I wasn’t. So I became more depressed, more angry. It was a brutal circle of despair. But I kept watching those episodes (and eating the Cheetos).

But then something happened as I entered the final seasons. After 254 episodes (yep, there are that many, and they are excellent), I was not the same person. After I watched the finales, there was no more. I eased back into the world with the realization that it was okay if my book was shelved. I could write another, and another. It wasn’t the end, just a different beginning than I had planned.

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By letting myself grieve, allowing myself this comforting yet finite escapism, I came out the other side better. It still wasn’t all sunshine and roses and unicorns, but hope had eeked it’s way back in. Plus, I’d just immersed myself in 2 months of awesome storytelling, something I could use in my writing.

So, to sum up Amy E. Reichert’s tips for handling the dark days of doubt and self-loathing:

1. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling bad. Sometimes life sucks and you need to feel those feels.
2. Create a deadline. And I don’t mean pick a date on the calendar (though if that works for you, go for it). For me, I knew it was time to move on when I’d finished both series. Maybe you’ll roll through the hard times by reading all the Game of Thrones books or every Louis L’Amour book.

What’s your trick for dealing with the dark days?




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Amy E. Reichertt earned her MA in Literature from Marquette University, and honed her writing and editing skills as a technical writer (which is exactly as exciting as it sounds). As a newly minted member of the local library board, she loves helping readers find new books to love. She’s a life-long Wisconsin resident with (allegedly) a very noticeable accent, a patient husband, and two too-smart-for-their-own-good kids. When time allows, she loves to read, collect more cookbooks than she could possibly use, and test the limits of her DVR. Her debut, THE COINCIDENCE OF COCONUT CAKE (Gallery), comes out July 21, 2015.


Categories: Misc


Sue coletta · December 5, 2014 at 9:18 am

Since there’s no like button, let me just say, “Liked!”

    Amy Reichert · December 5, 2014 at 10:28 am

    Thanks, Sue! Hard not to like something with oodles of Buffy pics. 😉

Traci Krites · December 5, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Let me just say, “been there.” Living IS the key!!

    Amy Reichert · December 5, 2014 at 8:37 pm

    Agreed! As Auntie Mame said, “LIVE!”

Kim · December 7, 2014 at 3:55 am

This post came at a perfect time for me. I’m in a funk and all I want to do is sleep and watch netflix, then I freak out that it’s some kind of sign that I’m not meant to be a writer because I’m not powering through it in front of a keyboard. …I may have to rewatch buffy or angel. Thanks Amy!

    Amy Reichert · December 7, 2014 at 10:56 am

    So happy to hear this post may have helped. All writers go through the funk, and feeling guilty about it won’t help anyone. Watch a little Buffy and Angel, then get back at it! 🙂

Brenda Drake · December 12, 2014 at 11:20 am

We always have grand ideas of what we want, but then gifts of something better comes along and you know you’re where you’re supposed to be. Thank you for guest posting! Love the Buffy gifs!

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