Exciting news for A TOUCH OF DARKNESS. The publisher has agreed to drop the price to $2.99! If you’ve been waiting to grab your copy, here’s the chance to get it at a bargain rate. Pick up a copy for your eReader at Amazon or B&N.

Cassie’s working for a tightwad boss at a pretentious NYC diner,
dealing with paralyzing pain that doctors can’t diagnose, and trying to
hide her hands that glow purple whenever she …well, whenever. So, when
a mysterious stranger walks out of her dreams and into her life to
spout some nonsense about her being a mythical creature, she chalks it
up to one more crazy thing to add to her it’s-a-crappy-life list. Yet,
when the stranger’s predictions start to come true, she discovers a
world that could shake up her humdrum existence.

For more information follow Tina Moss at www.tinamoss.com or find her on 

 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tina-Moss/126390774082870?fref=ts http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5894584.Tina_Moss
Categories: Misc

1 Comment

Tina Moss · February 5, 2014 at 9:49 pm

Thank you, Brenda! 😀

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