It’s time to go trick or treating! Can we get our bags filled with treats?
Trick or Treat entrants, thank you for joining the fun! You guys seriously rocked our inbox. Your entries were PHENOMENAL and we had a very HARD time narrowing them down to 39. If you didn’t make the cut, that doesn’t mean we didn’t love your pitch. Just ask Kim- she had to cut quite a few from her final list and that did not make her happy! We’ve tried to give our participating agents some great choices based on their wish lists and we’re hoping to see lots of incredible matches made this week.  
to our finalists and good luck! 
* * *Reminders * * *
ONLY PARTICIPATING AGENTS MAY COMMENT IN THIS ROUND. We want our awesome costumed agents to be able to read through the entries with ease.Agents will request “candy” in the comment section. Any kind of sugar candy (Skittles, Starbursts, etc) means you’ve gotten a partial request and chocolate candy (Snickers, M&Ms, etc) means you’ve gotten a full manuscript request. Agents can comment on as many entries as they like and multiple agents can request on the same pitch. So you just might find your bag full of treats!Costumed agents will be revealed at 6PM EST on October 31st.Anyone who receives candy should email into trickortreatwithanagent@gmail.com on October 31st for further submission instructions. You will then receive an email with the correct submission guidelines to follow. DO NOT contact the agent without getting the guidelines first.If you are another amazing agent who has happened upon this contest and would like to make a request, we welcome you to take a look. Please email us after the contest has ended with requests.
We’ll be tweeting on #AgentTreat! @brendadrake @kpchase817 

Trick or Treat entrants, thank you for joining the fun! You guys seriously rocked our inbox. Your entries were PHENOMENAL and we had a very HARD time narrowing them down to 39. We even have a special surprise for you….we’ve added a Bobbing For Slush save! If you didn’t make the cut, that doesn’t mean we didn’t love your pitch….
Categories: ContestsMisc

1 Comment

Entering the (Writer’s) Lottery · February 17, 2014 at 12:31 pm

[…] times throughout the year by Brenda Drake from her blog, Making Connections. Brenda also hosts Trick or Treat with Agents (October), #pitmad (check website for next date), and Pitch Madness (every March and […]

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